1.5 lakh PoP gods', 2.65 lakh mud gods' immersed in Bengaluru lakes this year

[email protected] (CD Network)
October 3, 2016

Bengaluru, Oct 3: Despite of a ban imposed by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board on Plaster of Paris (PoP) Ganesha idols, nearly 1.50 lakh such “banned gods” have been immersed in various lakes across Bengaluru city during recent Ganesh Chaturthi festival.


Officials of the KSPCB said that over one third of the Ganesha idols immersed in the city's lakes this time are PoP idols. Over 2.65 lakh mud idols of Ganesha also have been immersed in those lakes.

Earlier KSPCB Chairman Lakshman revealed that there were around 50,000 PoP idols in the market in different parts of Karnataka including 35,000 in Bengaluru alone this time. According to manufacturers, the idols sold in the market were old stock and they have sought permission to clear them this year.

The KSPCB has banned the use and immersion of PoP idols in water bodies. The action followed a notification issued by the National Green Tribunal in 2013. The NGT?had ordered pollution control boards to conduct a study on pollution caused due to immersion of PoP and coloured idols and ban them under Section 33 of The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)?Act, 1974.


True indian
Thursday, 27 Oct 2016


For eg: if u throw out ur parents. And bring Beggar from the street. And u look after them very well. Thinking that this will reach ur parents.

Will ur real parents may like this.

Same with God. God will not like

True indian
Thursday, 27 Oct 2016


U ur self answered to ur question. I.e in unauthorized manner. Wrong is wrong.

Unknowingly if u make a mistake God might forgive u. But knowingly if u worship dummy Gods. God might not forgive u.

U have to fight fo

Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016

@True indian, Do you know what it means - \ sink deeper into darkness\""

True indian
Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016


\shudhama poapvidham\"
\"He is bodyless and pure.\"
[Yajurveda 40:8]6

\"Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste\"
\"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements\" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). \"

True indian
Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016


Correctly said. Unauthorized manner means in wrong way. Just u can make right way. But worshipping one true God. Whose image cannot be seen in this world. No where in vedas shows the picture of krishna or rama.

Wrong is wron

Sunday, 4 Jun 2017

@ TRUE INDIAN, Chapter 9, verse-23 \ye py anya-devata-bhakta yajante, shraddhayanvitah, te pi mam eva kaunteya yajanty avidhi - purvakam.

O Arjuna, those who devotedly worship different demigods, although faithfully, they also worship me only

True indian
Tuesday, 25 Oct 2016


\Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures.\"
[Bhagavad Gita 7:20]

The Gita states tha

Saturday, 22 Oct 2016

@ TRUE INDIAN, are u in skype?

Saturday, 22 Oct 2016

@ TRUE INDIAN, TIRUNARAYANAN OF MELKOTE & BIBI THULLUKKA NACHIYAR. In 1311 A.D., Mallik Kafur had carried out lightining raid on this temple and took away the golden idol of the lord to Delhi. But as luck would have it, his daughter Thulukka fell in love

Saturday, 22 Oct 2016

@ True Indian, I feel presence of God in my path. I feel blessed. You may call it split personality. But I think it works very well. I just love it...

True indian
Friday, 21 Oct 2016


May God show u the right path.

Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

The East India co. was ruling Tamil nadu in 1812 and Rous Peter was collector of Madurai. Rous Peter was kind hearted person and treated people of all faiths equally. He restored peace, prosperity and justice in Menaksi's Pattanam, Madurai.As district collector, peter was not only in charge of temple town, but also for administration of Temple. peter had a habit of going around the temple everyday before beginning his work.One night the city experience a huge thunder storm with lightning. Peter was inside his bungalow in deep sleep, Suddenly a 3 yr old girl appeared and dragged him out of his house.As soon as they left the bungalow lightening struck building and the bungalow collapsed.Peter was shocked, he immediately followed the girl, who playfully entered the meenakshi Amman temple sanctom sanctoram and right in front of his eyes there she disappeared. Peter was sure it was the meenakshi Amman came to rescue in the form of mysterious girl. The ruler goddess Meenakshi had come down to save a good man from calamity. Peter was ever grateful to mother meenakshi and donated many gold & jewelry gifts, these are displayed even today and kept in museum.

Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

@True India, you are not taking any pains to read what I have written. your question Where is earth, answer just read my previous message on why Uranus. Neptune not included in Nav graha. Dittos for earth.

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016


Where is earth

1. Surya (a.k.a. Ravi), the Sun
2. Soma, the Moon
3. Mangala, Mars
4. Buddha, Mercury
5. Briahspati, Jupiter, also called \Guru\" the master (servent) of all graha.
6.Shukra, Venus

Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

Navgrahas are those heavenly bodies affecting life & lifeless things on earth, including earth itself. So they are studied upon.

Uranus, neptune are farthest planets, do not have much impact on earth, hence not included.

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016


Earth,Uranus and neptune is not included in the Navagraha. In the navagraha book why??

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016


Now science tells us that pluto is not a planet. It is dwarf planet And there are some more dwarf planet as well.

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

I haven't disgraced it, i respect rama shiva etc. but we believe they might be messenger of God.

Some of ur vedas scripture are similiar to that of Quran. But if u follow the teaching of vedas. U will be a muslim.

There is only one God and one religion.

Muslim is nothing but submission of will to God. Even vedas speak about that. But unfortunately u dont follow.

If u do just the opposite of vedas. Will God likes it. That is my question.

I think u should question ur Hindu pandits that if vedas says one god and should not make the idol of it,

I respect that u respect Holy Quran. And Quran also says not to degrade or insult other religion, But u can show them or teach them, its upto them who believe it or not.

Allah sent 124,000 prophets on earth. Thats why i said they might be messenger of God.

Too many Gods means they fight among each other some of the Gods view may be different. Many says some Gods asks for human blood, Animal blood. If one god doesn't answer ur prayers then u have to try with other Gods.

Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

@ true indian,

Before 1400 years, Vedic religion knew 9 planets, their orbits,
We already knew about eclipse, how its caused. (akashganga- milkyway,) and so whats the great in that, if your book says earth is egg shaped, it is and we know

Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

It was you praising your book, that its post graduation, no errors. etc. etc.
If you scroll back & see anywhere in my comments you will not find a single comment disgracing your holy book. Why, becoz of the teachings and greatness

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016


if anywhere in your books its written VEDAS are wrong, its a wrong statement.

I have already quoted. I think u missed it. Scroll down and read

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016


SELF PRAISE IS OFTEN DISGRACE.\ you are praising your books so much.

This is not my book. This is Allah's book. And it is for everybody. And Even it for u.

Many of the hindus like shudras etc are not permitted to

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016


Some of the vedas matches with quran. Like it says God is one. He has no father no mother. Dont worship dummy Gods. Worship him Alone. Dont associate parnters with him. There is no second God.

We follow some of ur vedas. But

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016


Some of the vedas matches with quran. Like it says God is one. He has no father no mother. Dont worship dummy Gods. Worship him Alone. Dont associate parnters with him. There is no second God.

We follow some of ur vedas. But

Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

\SELF PRAISE IS OFTEN DISGRACE.\" you are praising your books so much.
Teachings of your books have not provided you enough Maturity and prudence in the matter of understanding god. If your book was complete without any errors the

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

Quran says earth is egg shaped.

Before science used to tell earth is round. Then many people were worried. How science says earth is round.

Now we cAme to know that. Science now says that earth is Geo sperical in shape. Just like an egg.

Even quran says that. One human being's finger doesn't match with another. Now we cAme to know that recently.

Even there are so many scientific proofs. Which science have come to know.

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

The biggest proof that Quran is the word of God. Is the Book is given to the prophet Mohammed. Who doesn't know to read and write.

Even in bible it says: I have many things to say onto u. But u cannot bear them.

Bible says: And i will send u another Comforter. And the book will be given to him. Who doesn't know to read and write.
And he will guide u onto all truth.

True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016


Regarding the saints ur talking.

Science has already proved

It is dissociative identity disorder, a disease that affects the person's identity, making them think they're someone else.

Go and watch the mo

Monday, 17 Oct 2016


1.Components of human body present in the soil
Elements that are present in the human body are present in lesser or greater quantity in the soil. Hence it is more scientific to bury a dead body, as it easily gets decomposed and mixed in the soil.

2.No Pollution
Cremating (burning) the dead body leads to pollution of the atmosphere which is detrimental to health and harmful for the environment. There is no such pollution caused by burying a dead body.

3.Surrounding land becomes fertile
To cremate a dead body several trees have to be chopped, which reduces the greenery and harms the environment and the ecology. When dead bodies are buried, besides the trees being saved, the surrounding land becomes fertile and it improves the environment.

It is expensive to cremate a dead body when tons of wood have to be burned. Annually there is a loss of crores of rupees, only because dead bodies are cremated in India. Burying dead bodies is FREE

Same land can be utilised for burying another body
The wood used for cremating a dead body cannot be reutilised for cremating another dead body since it gets converted to ashes. The land used for burying a dead body can be reutilised for burying another body after a few years since the human body gets decomposed and mixed in the soil.

Monday, 17 Oct 2016

First you have say whether \VEDAS are RIGHT OR WRONG.\"
1) If VEDAS are right and word of GOD - then you need not have to refer any other books.
2) If VEDAS are wrong - then you should neither read it nor refer it.

True indian
Sunday, 16 Oct 2016


Can we Prove Quran is From God?

Muslims have something that offers the clearest proof of all - The Holy Quran. There is no other book like it anywhere on earth. It is absolutely perfect in the Arabic language. It has no

True indian
Sunday, 16 Oct 2016


If u don't believe in vedas. That means u will not remain a Hindu.

Vedas says there only one God.

1. “Ekam evadvitiyam” meaning” He is One only without a second.

[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]

True indian
Sunday, 16 Oct 2016


Aagama shastra which speaks about God taking human form

Let us put this candidate, ‘Bhagwan’ Rajneesh, to the test of Surah Ikhlas, the touchstone of theology:
The first criterion is “Say, He is Allah, one and only

Sunday, 16 Oct 2016

@True Indian, You only read few points of Vedas here and there. I told you about Agama shastra, did you read that? no. 2) I told you about saints and their work, but did you read that? No. My dear friend google it out. just like you read few words of geet

Sunday, 16 Oct 2016

@ True Indian. They are not proofs. these are quotes from your books which we don't believe. Hence disqualified.

Sunday, 16 Oct 2016


I answered all ur questions with proof. But u couldn't give me
A single answer with proof.

And ur telling me iam dim witted. Ur running away from
The truth.

Sunday, 16 Oct 2016


I answered all ur questions with proof. But u couldn't give me
A single answer with proof.

And ur telling me iam dim witted. Ur running away from
The truth.

True indian
Saturday, 15 Oct 2016



The Black Stone was sent down by Allah to this earth from Paradise.

al-Tirmidhi, 877; al-Nasaa’i, 2935.

True indian
Sunday, 4 Jun 2017



Volume 2, Book 26, Number 667:

Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said \NO DOUBT, I KNOW THAT YOU ARE A STONE AND CAN NEITHER BENEFIT ANYONE NOR HARM ANYONE. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle ki

True indian
Sunday, 4 Jun 2017



Volume 2, Book 26, Number 667:

Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said \NO DOUBT, I KNOW THAT YOU ARE A STONE AND CAN NEITHER BENEFIT ANYONE NOR HARM ANYONE. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle ki

True indian
Saturday, 15 Oct 2016

Proof 2

In the Quran, God addresses Prophet Muhammad “You never recited any Scripture before We revealed this one to you; you never wrote one down with your hand” (29:48). , Prophet Muhammad who was known to be illiterate, neither read any previous scriptures nor wrote the Quran.

This is a blessed Book which We sent down to you [Muhammad], for people to ponder over its message, and for those with understanding to be reminded. (Quran, 38:29)

True indian
Saturday, 15 Oct 2016


Quran 7:143
Allah says when Musa (Moses) came at the time and place appointed by Us, and Allah spoke to him, he said: \O my Lord! Show me (Yourself), that I may look upon You.\" Allah said: \"You cannot see Me, but look upon the mountain if it stands still in its place then you shall see Me.\" So when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it collapse to dust, and Musa (Moses) fell down unconscious. Then when he recovered his senses he said: \"Glory be to You, I turn to You in repentance and I am the first of the believers.\"

Replaced sheep
Quran 37-100 to 109
God put Abraham to a most difficult trial, the details of which are described in the Quran. “O my Lord! Grant me (Abraham) a righteous (son)!” So We gave him the good news of a boy ready to suffer and forbear. “Then, when the (the son) reached the age of serious work with him, he said: “O my son I see in a vision that I offer you in sacrifice: Now say what is your view!” (The son) said: “O My father! Do as you are commanded: You will find me if God so wills, one practising patience and constancy!” So when they had both submitted their wills (to God), and he had made him prostrate on his face (for sacrifice), We called out to him: “O Abraham! You have already fulfilled the vision!” Thus indeed do we reward those who do right. “For this was obviously a trial and We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice: and We left (this blessing) for him among generations (to come) in later times: Peace and salutation to Abraham! (37:100-109).

This is the origin of the Islamic precept of sacrifice in fulfilment of God’s command provided in the Quran: “... to your Lord turn in prayer and sacrifice.” (108:2).

The aim of sacrifice, like all other fundamentals of Islam, is to imbibe piety and self righteousness. It also promotes the spirit of sacrifice for a right cause. To explain its purpose, God says in the Quran. “It is not their meat, nor their blood, that reaches God, It is their piety that reaches God”: (22:37)"

Saturday, 15 Oct 2016

True Indian, are you dim witted, you ask same questions which you asked earlier and I answered it, now just scroll down and read. This is getting a boring with each comments.

Saturday, 15 Oct 2016

@ True Indian, Show me proof that Mosses seen God, show me proof that you will see god after death, show me proof that god really asked abrahm replaced sheep and u celebrate Bakrid since then. Show me proof that god disclosed instructions to your prophet.

Saturday, 15 Oct 2016


If i come and say to u, that i have seen God. will u believe me.

Now u will ask, If Moses says how will u believe.

It allah said in Quran, Not Moses.

Saturday, 15 Oct 2016


Shiva Couldn't Recognize his own son, Ganapathi.

How did he recognize others.

Saturday, 15 Oct 2016

IF some one claim also, It is called Split Personality.

True indian
Saturday, 15 Oct 2016


the above mentioned name Themselves says that they have seen God.

Show me the proof.

Saturday, 15 Oct 2016

@True Indian, Are you really true Indian, as you say only Mosses seen God. There are so many Indian saints seen God. 1) Meera bai, 2) Kanakadasa, 3) Namdev 4) Tukaram 5) Dyaneshwar, 6) Sakubai 7) Kanho patra 8) Akka Mahadevi, 9) Sena Barbar, 10) Bappa Bea

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News Network
September 12,2024

Mangaluru: Mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur said that as a part of the International Day of Democracy, the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) will hold a 23-km long human chain and plant 1000 saplings in the Bengre area on September 15.

The human chain will be formed from Pavanje bridge to the border of Arkula, which will pass through Nanthoor Junction- Kannur Junction. The event is organised with the objective of creating awareness among the public, particularly the youth, about the significance of democracy. Around 10,000 people, particularly students, will participate in forming the human chain in the city limits, he told media persons.

He said Democratic system in India is a model to the world and we should be grateful to Dr B R Ambedkar for giving the country a beautiful constitution. To make the people, particularly the youth, aware of the Constitution and its preamble, the state government has chalked out a plan to form a mega human chain from Bidar to Chamrajnagar. As a part of it, the programme will be held in Mangaluru. Students from various schools, colleges, various organisations, NGOs should actively participate to make the event a grand success.”

The Mayor said as a part of the celebrations, an arch will be built at Pavanje bridge and Kannur Junction. The Zonal office at Surathkal will be decorated with tri colour along with KPC Circle, Nanthoor Junction, Padil Junction. The main programme will be held at Kadri Circle near Circuit House in Mangaluru, which will be attended by DK MP Capt Brijesh Chowta, MLAs D Vedavyasa Kamath, Dr Y Bharath Shetty, DC Mullai Muhilan MP and others. Flags will be placed for every 100 metre of the human chain stretch. The participants can click their photos and upload it through https://democracydaykarnataka.in/ to collect a certificate, added the mayor. 

The human chain will be held from Pavanje to Mukka checkpost, Mukka chepost to Mukka Junction, Mukka Junction to NITK gate, NITK gate to Tadambail Junction, Tadambail Junction to Hotel Suraj, Hotel Suraj to Govinda Dasa College, Govinda Dasa College to Kordabbu Daivasthana, Hosabettu, Kordabbu Daivasthana to Honnakatte Junction, Kulai to APMC, Baikampady, Hotel Vishwasagar to Mangaluru traffic police check post , Mangaluru traffic police check post to Panambur circle, Panambur Circle to NMPA railway track, MCF to Kuloor bridge, Kuloor bridge to Gold Finch ground, Gold Finch ground to Kottara Chowki, Kottara Chowki to BMS Hotel, BMS Hotel to SKS apartment, KPT to Saptagiri petrol bunk, Nanthoor Circle to Kaikamba, Maroli Jodukatte till Padil Circle, Padil to First Neuro Hospital – Kannur Junction, Adyar Katte to Sahyadri College, Sahyadri College to Expert Cross (Valacchil), Express Cross to Arkula border.


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News Network
September 14,2024

Mangaluru: The block level and District Congress Committee presidents in the state will be changed in the next one month for better reach into society and bring in organisational fortification, said Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee working president G C Chandrasheker on Saturday.

The All India Congress Committee and KPCC have a vision for bringing a change in how the party works with the last man and woman in the state, he said at a press conference here.

"We are looking at bringing development models into the state with a new vision. We are a party that likes to work with the opposition in the developmental aspects and keep all other matters away that do not relate to the development of the state.

"We have a great respect for the people of the coast who are considered to be forward-looking and perceptible, but it is also true that we do not have the numbers in the upper house and in the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)," he said.

"Our endeavour is to not only create a strong pro-development workforce at the base level by strengthening the second and third level leadership in the state," he said.

Chandrasheker, who is also a Rajya Sabha member, said that he and his four colleagues of the rank of working presidents of the KPCC are going to every district to infuse the new thinking in our workers and leaders.

"This move will get a new surge considering the party is facing byelections in Shiggaon, Chennapatna and Sandhur segments and also vacant seats in the legislative council, followed by elections to the Urban Local Bodies and Panchayats" he said.

When asked about the reason for the changes, Chandrashekar said most of the people have already lived their tenures. The party wants to reward those who have not been given tickets to contest in the 2023 state assembly elections and 2024 Lok Sabha elections for political reasons.

There are quite good leaders and hard-working ground level workers who have great potential to lead the party in the coming years, he said.

"Women will get at least one top post in all District Congress Committees and block levels. There is also a move to give responsible positions for the workers and leaders coming from different strata of society, which are deliverable. The party will not shy away from it," he said.

The other two working presidents, Dr Manjunath Bhandary and Vasanth Kumar, were also present at the press conference.

Kumar said some of the regions in the state are dominated by the BJP. "We want to end this run and defeat the divisive models of the BJP." Bhandary said the Indian National Congress was aiming at a high development phase in the state and involve the opposition parties and their leaders in the development plans in the state. 


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News Network
September 9,2024

Mangaluru, Sept 9: An action committee has voiced concerns about the construction of a new toll plaza near Sooralpady Masjid on the Mangaluru-Moodbidri-Karkala National Highway 169, 17 km from Nanthoor. Amidst ongoing construction, the Action Committee Against Surathkal Toll Gate claims irregularities and poor site selection.

Committee convener Muneer Katipalla noted that only 50% of the Nanthoor-Moodbidri-Karkala highway upgrade is complete after seven to eight years. The Nanthoor-Vamanjoor stretch remains unfinished, causing traffic issues, while dangerous hillside cutting near Kettikal has forced residents to relocate. Additionally, a flyover near Kaikamba threatens a local market.

Katipalla also criticized the construction of a bypass road, alleging it benefits real estate investors and inflates the project cost, which could increase toll fees. The proposed toll plaza, situated 36 km from Talapady toll gate and 35 km from Brahmarakotlu toll gate, violates distance regulations and is too close to local amenities, raising public objections.

There is growing concern that toll collection might begin before the project's completion, with locals frustrated by unaddressed grievances. Social activist Bava Padarangi, DYFI leader Srinath Kulal, and other community leaders attended the site visit.


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