The year gone by was perhaps the most tumultuous and unusual one we have ever witnessed. In human history no pandemic that struck the world has vanished without bringing about epochal changes. However, it is only covid-19, which compelled the mankind to undergo a global lockdown for the first time.
Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives, millions couldn't see their loved ones and spent days in isolation. Stress and trauma were among the deadly by-products of covid-19. Fear, anxiety, depression and financial crisis that accompanied the novel coronavirus pandemic rigorously tested the forbearance of entire world.
This crisis, however, is the worst time to abandon our hope. We welcome the new with renewed hope and optimism. Such positivity is inevitable to have a fresher outlook and make newer beginnings in 2021.
Incidentally, with the end of 2020 coastaldigest.com completed its 11 years of voyage in the ocean of digital journalism and entered the 12th year amidst the fresh crisis triggered by SARS-CoV-2. It is noteworthy that coastaldigest.com is a cent per cent independent media that never depended on ad fodder or any kind of subscription fee or donation from anyone.
Throughout our journey, our primary concern was the issues of non-resident Indians in the Middle East including Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Unfortunately, the problems and challenges of NRIs have been constantly increasing and they deserve a strong voice in the days to come. Coastaldigest.com pledges to continue its fight for the rights of NRIs. As the saying goes on, “no matter how hard the past, you can always begin again”.
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