Call to citizens of Mangaluru to apply to ward committees

Media Release
November 11, 2020

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Mangaluru, Nov 11: The beginning of ward committees in Mangaluru has to be broad-based with a concern for social justice and to make democracy work on the ground and for all people. Formation of the committees is the key but keeping social issues core to this agenda is another important focus area, said Centre for Development Studies and Education Director Dr Rita Noronha.

She was one among the eights panelists addressing Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy’s 5th City Politics Webinar – ‘Decoding Ward Committees for citizens of Mangaluru’ on November 11 at 11 am on Zoom.

“We have a historical process of exclusion from a whole lot of resources – economic, political, even in terms of opportunities. And this process is set like stone. People are silenced/ their voices are repressed for years, together from women, SC/ST, Dalits, slum communities are silenced. How are their issues being spoken in terms of governance issues in Ward Committees? How do cities benefit from all services? How do we build inclusive cities? Every ward should have a vision in making Mangaluru healthy, inclusive city for people from all categories who can benefit from all the services and activities. It’s time to wake up from the silence,” Dr Noronha said.

“Ward Committees will be the watchdogs to hold Corporators accountable. It is the critical point of problem-solving, to give the common man what is due. The committee will follow up on development plans, their implementation and the quality of work delivered and funds utilised. Ward Committees will function in the true spirit of the 74th amendment and end corruption” said MCC Civic Group Co-Founder Ajoy D’Silva.

“The time has come for 600 citizens of Mangaluru to stand up and be counted! Ward Committees bring democracy to the doorstep. Not many are aware of the role of ward committees and have misconceptions about it. Today, Janaagraha tried to bring together concerned citizens of Mangaluru and experts to create much-needed attention on ward committees as the deadline is fast approaching. We are committed to supporting the City of Mangaluru as they begin this journey in participatory local governance by assisting the Commissioner, the Corporators and the citizens,” added Srinivas Alavilli, Head, Civic Participation at Janaagraha, Bengaluru.

“Ward Committees have been envisioned in the constitution, which says that for territorial, democratic and decentralisation, ward committees have to be set up in places with 3 lakh + population. This can be amended by state rule. It has been there in the constitution, and therefore, enforceability is there. Again, accountability, transparency and the management of ward committees are key to smooth functioning,” Senior Advocate and Special Public Prosecutor Asha Nayak said. She also added that she is interested to become a ward committee member. 

Narendra Kumar, President of Nagarika Shakti spoke on his struggles in setting up ward committees in Mangaluru. “Fundamentally, we wanted to ensure that everyone gets to be a part of governance and even though we struggled a bit for Mangaluru, thankfully with the support of Kathyayini, we explained to people about the importance of becoming members. Our next vision is to make sure that citizens become members of ward committees,” he said.
Social Activist GK Bhat appealed to the citizens of Mangaluru to apply to become ward committee members. “Corporators are not allowing people to govern. They are trying hard to keep us out of this. No one is challenging this; hence they are the ones managing the show. With Ward Committees, corporators can be held accountable,” he said adding he has already applied to become a ward committee member.

 “Even though most of the people are silent, there are few percentage of active people, and the reason is because of MCC Civic Group, through which citizens are aware and informed about ward committees and ward sabhas. People are lazy but also concerned. Because of technology, there cannot be hush ups by the corporator. They cannot sideline issues anymore. They have to be accountable, and loopholes will be caught. I definitely think 600+ applications will be received based on the population and this is good enough representation,” said Gerard Towers, RTI and Civic Activist.

“It is great that the Mangaluru ward committees plan is actualised. There is resistance from elected representatives to empower people in decision making. They are supposed to represent us and allow participative democracy. At all times, minutes of the previous meeting needs to be readout. The action that was taken after to address issues, grievance redressals, acknowledgements etc. Members should be thorough on how things function and must be fully aware that you can appeal to the high court in the case of your requisitions being unheard,” said Kathyayini Chamaraj, Executive Trustee of Citizens’ Voluntary Initiative for the City of Bangalore (CIVIC), Bangalore.

“The Ward Committee platform is the formal mechanism to institutionalise local citizen engagement. It may have its flaws, but it the most important platform for citizens to connect with local ward and neighborhood development.

Janaagraha is eagerly awaiting the formal announcement of Ward Committees and we look forward to bringing our learning and expertise to empower citizens and Coporators with technology tools and platforms to empower the Ward Committees through our IChangeMyCity platform,” said Sapna Karim, Head, and Civic Participation at Janaagraha.

Janaagraha has also added a page on its website, to inform citizens of Mangaluru the latest updates on ward committees -

Over 200 citizens participated in the webinar and panel discussion moderated by Harsha Raj Gatty, Editor, Solmelu. The discussion brought out relevant issues faced by citizens of Mangaluru as well as perspectives on why joining a ward committee will benefit the city.

One of the participants Padmanabha Ullal expressed hope that the ward committees will not only help improve governance but also serve as forums for interactions with residents to get to know each other.

With November 17th being the deadline for Mangaluru citizens to submit ward committee applications, Janaagraha through its City Politics webinar aimed to get Bengaluru’s active ward committee members share their knowledge and experiences as we as critically analyse the ground situation at Mangaluru by speaking to citizen leaders.

About Janaagraha:

Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy is a non-profit trust in the Jana group co-founded by Swati Ramanathan and Ramesh Ramanathan in 2001. Janaagraha’s mission is to transform quality of life in India’s cities and towns. It works with citizens to catalyse active citizenship in city neighbourhoods and with governments to institute reforms to city governance (what we call “City-Systems”).

The “City-Systems” framework is a whole-of-systems approach to solving for India’s cities and comprises four distinct yet interdependent components: Urban Planning and Design (master plans, design standards for public utilities), Urban Capacities and Resources (municipal finance, municipal staffing and technology), Political Leadership (empowerment, legitimacy) and Transparency and Citizen Participation (public disclosures, citizen participation, service level guarantees and grievance redressal).
City Politics is our attempt at building a thriving community of people interested in city policies, politics, and concerns and challenges across neighbourhoods and cities.


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News Network
May 30,2024


Mangaluru, May 30: In a heart-warming display of integrity and interfaith harmony amid the backdrop of communal tensions in coastal Karnataka, a madrasa teacher showcased remarkable honesty by returning a bag containing Rs 2.43 lakh in cash that he found on Kelaginapete Road in Bantwal taluk.

Abdul Majeed Faizi, a dedicated teacher at Manazul Islam Madrasa, was crossing Kelaginapete Road on the morning of May 28 when he stumbled upon a bag lying on the road. Upon inspecting the bag, he found it filled with currency notes. Without hesitation, he reported the matter to the Madrasa administrative committee.

The committee swiftly took action, verifying the ownership of the money with the local community. Their investigation revealed that the cash belonged to Sripati Srikant Bhat, a local resident. Bhat soon arrived at the Madrasa, where Abdul Majeed Faizi returned the bag of money to him. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Bhat expressed his sincere thanks to Faizi for his commendable honesty.

This incident not only highlights Abdul Majeed Faizi’s exemplary character but also serves as a beacon of interfaith unity and trust in the region.


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News Network
May 20,2024


Mangaluru, May 20: In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a young man ended his life by stepping in front of a speeding train at Kolakadi railway gate near Mulky, following the tragic suicide of his beloved girlfriend. This sorrowful incident unfolded on Sunday casting a pall of grief over their families and the community.

The Victims of Love

The deceased, Kartik Poojary, a 20-year-old mechanic, had returned to his home in Molottu on Saturday after working in Chitradurga. Kartik lived with his mother and grandmother in Molottu, and had recently started working at a relative’s garage.

Kartik’s heart belonged to his collage mate Sharanya, 19, daughter of Harish Kotyan. Their love, blooming in their teenage years, faced the stern disapproval of their parents due to their young age. Although their parents had reluctantly agreed to their union through a legal bond to marry once they reached the appropriate age, fate took a cruel turn.

The Cruel Twist of Fate

In a sudden decision, Sharanya's parents withdrew her from college and sent her away to Moodbidri. Overwhelmed by despair and separation, Sharanya ended her life by hanging herself at home while her family was away on Friday. Her death was a blow too harsh for Kartik to bear.

A Grief Too Heavy to Bear

Kartik, shattered by the news of Sharanya’s death, hurried back to his home in Molottu on Saturday. The following morning, with his mother away in Kerala on urgent business, Kartik's grief culminated in his tragic decision. He walked to the railway tracks at Kolakadi and succumbed to his sorrow under the wheels of a passing train.

The Aftermath

The Mulky police, led by Inspector Vidyadhar, arrived at the scene and registered a case. The community is left mourning the untimely deaths of two young lives intertwined by love and separated by an unkind twist of fate.


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News Network
May 23,2024


Bengaluru: Patients visiting government hospitals in Karnataka recently were shocked when they noticed that some drugs had labels of Animal Husbandry Veterinary Sciences (AHVS) but the department concerned has said it was only a logo related issue and that the medicines were indeed meant for human use.

The Karnataka State Medical Supplies Corporation Limited (KSMSCL) said there was an error in the 'logogram' design, but the product was of standard quality and 'human use only'.

As the typo led to panic among patients, KSMSCL Managing Director Chidananda Sadashiva Vatare said in a statement that the product permission copies were submitted and confirmed they were permitted to manufacture as per required medical standards and for human use only.

According to sources in KSMSCL, there were seven drugs which had the AHVS label. This included eye and nasal drops.

These drugs were supplied by a private firm with a total value of Rs 62.9 lakh and it reached the government warehouse on January 5, this year.

The drugs were Methyl Prednisolone injection, Carboxymethylcellulose Eye Drops, Oxymetazoline Pediatric (Nasal) Drops, Flurbiprofen Eye Drops IP, Sodium Chloride (Nasal) Drops, Timolol Maleate Drops and Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride (Nasal) Solution IP.

"The analytical test reports from NABL/government approved laboratories and in-house test reports of the products opined as the products referred above are of standard quality. The test reports from the private empanelled laboratories of KSMSCL have reported these products are of standard quality," Vatare said.

The products were supplied to all the warehouses in the state by the supplier by January 5, he said, adding the supplier requested KSMSCL on January 18 to accept the supplied products by masking the typo.

"It is to be noted that no changes were done in the label of the product information provided. Also, the logogram design was correct in one part of the product and only in another part was there a printing error in the logogram design which was masked, where instead of Health department it was typed as AHVS department."

"The supplier was also imposed a fine of one per cent on the purchase order value and all warehouses were instructed to distribute the products only after masking the error. The supplier was also warned not to repeat the mistake," he said.


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