Health and Lifestyle

Feb 22: Listeria, a common food-borne bacterium, may pose a greater risk of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy than previously thought, says a study. “For many years, listeria has been associated with adverse outcomes in pregnancy, but particularly at the end of pregnancy,” said one of the researchers Ted Golos, Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison in the US. “What wasn’t known

New Delhi, Feb 20: We often tend to overeat without knowing it. Eating more than what our body needs is the root cause of several chronic health problems which can be avoided albeit with a little care. Sonia Narang, nutrition expert of Oriflame India, here shares nine ways that can best help you to avoid overeating. * Eat slowly Chew every bite of your food properly. This is to slow us down when

New Delhi, Feb 20: Good news for all those lazy-headed not-really-a-cleanliness-freak out there! Scientists have found out that the obsession with hygiene could even be turning some beneficial bacteria found in the human gut into "endangered species". Providing clean water to everyone on the planet has been a major health goal for decades, but scientists have warned that while it reduces the

Washington, Feb 18: Now you can save your kid from surgery, as a study shows that antibiotics may be an effective treatment for acute non-complicated appendicitis in children, instead of surgery. Appendicitis is a serious medical condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed and causes severe pain. The appeared in the journal of Pediatrics The condition, which causes the appendix -- a small

Feb 17: A healthy diet is the king. It can save you from various ailments and slow down signs of ageing. The times we live in, there are all sorts of processed food products available in the market which are delicious no doubt but come loaded with chemicals and unwanted calories that adversely affect our health. It is therefore essential to choose right and eat mindfully. How you eat doesn't only

Toronto, Feb 16: People living in regions that see heavy snowfall, like India’s Himalayan region, better be careful as you are at an increased risk of a heart attack after a heavy snowstorm, a new study suggests. The risk was found to be particularly higher for men and researchers believe that shovelling is the main mechanism linking snowfall with heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI). “Men

Miami, Feb 15: People who are genetically predisposed to storing belly fat, or having an apple-shaped body type, could face a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, researchers said Tuesday. The study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggests a person’s genetic makeup may cause health problems down the road. “People vary in their distribution of body fat -- some

London, Feb 12: A lot has been said about the health benefits of inculcating fruits and vegetables in our daily diet but the researchers have now proved the psychological benefits of a balanced meal. They have found that naturally-grown food can potentially tackle depression in as little as two weeks. Researchers from the University of Otago studied 171 adults aged between 18 and 25 about their

New Delhi, Feb 9: Winter problems are no longer restricted to cough, cold and flu. When the temperature drops and the cold winds begin to blow, the air becomes drier and our bodies get less moisture than they do in warmer months, leading to dehydration. And that is the first step towards a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). UTI refers to a bacterial infection anywhere in the urinary tract, such as the

London, Feb 7: One should include lots of nuts like hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds and pistachios in their daily diet as they not only promote health benefits but also helps in lowering the risk of the deadly disease colon cancer. Researchers have found that eating nuts helps in slowing down the growth of cancer cells and also reduces the risk of colon cancer. The study led by researchers from