
Washington, September 17: Taliban carried out the most destructive single strike on US and NATO forces in nearly 11 years of war in Afghanistan by attacking a heavily fortified base damaging eight fighter aircraft on the ground, ringing alarm bells in Pentagon. In the attack, 15 Taliban fighters in three tightly choreographed teams wearing American uniforms penetrated the Camp Bastion in Helmand

Kabul, September 16: The Taleban claimed responsibility yesterday for an attack on a sprawling British base in southern Afghanistan that killed two US Marines and wounded several other troops, saying it was to avenge an anti-Islam film and also because Britain's Prince Harry is serving there. The US-led NATO coalition said in a statement that nearly 20 insurgents armed with guns, rocket-propelled

San Francisco, September 15: Google Inc rejected a request by the White House on Friday to reconsider its decision to keep online a controversial YouTube movie clip that has ignited anti-American protests in the Middle East. The Internet company said it was censoring the video in India and Indonesia after blocking it on Wednesday in Egypt and Libya, where U.S. embassies have been stormed by

Washington, September 15: The anti-Islam film linked to violence against U.S. embassies in Libya, Egypt and Yemen continued to dominate headlines here even as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to distance her government from it and the film's alleged director remained in hiding amidst a virtual media siege. In a statement Ms. Clinton said, “Let me state very clearly, and I hope it is

Washington, September 14: A day after the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, video-sharing website YouTube today said it has restricted access to the film both in Libya and Egypt. "This video - which is widely available on the Web - is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube," a spokesman said in a statement. "However, given the situation in Libya and Egypt, we have

Washington, September 12: US President Barack Obama is the most admired foreign leader in India and a majority of city dwellers in the country want him re-elected, an opinion poll said on Monday. "About seven-in-ten city dwellers (71 per cent) who say they are following the US election closely want US president Barack Obama to be re-elected," said Pew Global Research Center, releasing the results

Lahore, September 10: Foreign minister S M Krishna used his visit to Pakistan to drive home an anti-terrorism message with the opposition just as he did with the federal government, pointedly referring to 26/11 main accused Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed's presence in Punjab during his meeting with chief minister Shahbaz Sharif on Sunday. Krishna told the Punjab CM, who is ex-PM Nawaz Sharif's

Islamabad, September 8: India and Pakistan today finally made progress on people-to people contact by inking pacts on a new visa regime and cultural exchanges but there was no headway on New Delhi's concerns on the Mumbai terror attacks case, with Islamabad only assuring that it will bring to book the perpetrators as per its law. Despite the reiteration of an invitation by Pakistan's top

Chicago, September 8: ?Setting foot in a hospital again, Emily and Mike Jordan couldn't help but feel anxious. More than two years before, at age 29, Emily had been diagnosed with cervical cancer. But just before she was to undergo a radical hysterectomy, she was told that she was pregnant. Faced with saving her own life or their unborn child's, the young couple made the excruciating decision to

Islamabad, September 8: External Affairs Minister S M Krishna began crucial talks with his Pakistani counterpart Hina Rabbani Khar today to review the second round of resumed dialogue with issues like terrorism to be on top of the agenda. The one-to-one meeting between Krishna and Khar was followed by delegation-level talks between the two sides. Indian officials earlier said that terrorism will