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Tuesday, 5 Jan 2016

There is no POWER nor MIGHT except with ALLAH....
Whatever ways ISLAM haters try to plan... Muslims know very well they will never succeed playing with the followers of Divine religion (ISLAM).
They did lot of deceptions & FOOLED many. But their Evil deeds were caught & exposed, but Most of the people are still sleeping to their deception.
Dear RSS Cadres...
LEARN ISLAM independently not from cheddis.. Dont fall trap to RSS defined islam which is deception to make you follow your leaders to HELL if U dont recognize the REAL TRUE GOD who created U, ME and all those existed.
Good luck for you new plans, which U will be able to deceive many of your Unthinking followers. and WE Muslims know, ALLAH is most merciful... and he can spare U & allow YOU to play this GAME. But YOU will never succeed to overcome or wipe ISLAM. Its a Challenge many ISLAM haters tried and LOST. RSS your fate will be the SAME. Dont play with the Divine religion ISLAM.