My daughters, employees scared for their safety after Trump's win: Indra Nooyi

November 15, 2016

New York, Nov 15: PepsiCo's India-born CEO Indra Nooyi has said Hillary Clinton's defeat in the elections has left her daughters, gay workers, employees and the non-whites devasted as there was "serious concern" among them about their safety in the US with Donald Trump as president.

"Do you have a box of tissues here," Nooyi, a staunch Clinton supporter, said at the New York Times Dealbook Conference here when asked how she felt on the morning of November 9, when Trump won the presidential election.

A visibly dejected Nooyi said Clinton's loss left her daughters and PepsiCo's employees devastated and there were serious concerns among the company's workers, especially the non-white employees, about their safety in an America with Trump as its president.

"I had to answer a lot of questions from my daughters, from our employees. They were all in mourning. Our employees were all crying. The question that they are asking, especially those who are not white 'Are we safe', women are asking 'Are we safe', LGBT people are asking 'Are we safe'," she said at the conference on November 10.

Nooyi said she had never thought she would have to answer such questions, stressing that people across America should be assured that they will continue to be safe in the country.

"The first thing that we all have to do is to assure everybody in the US that they are safe, nothing has changed because of this election. What we heard was election talk and that we will all come together and unify the country," she said.

Congratulating President-elect Donald Trump, Nooyi said those who supported Clinton are mourning but life has to go on.

"The process of democracy happened, we just have to let life go on. We have to come together and life has to go on," she said.

Nooyi voiced concern that real issues facing the country were not talked about in the election campaign and serious discussions cannot happen in "bursts of sound bites" or 140 characters on social media.

"...A lot of what should have been said during the elections, I dont think was said because I think we let the politics trump the issues. Pardon the pun, but I think that is what happened.

"The real issues that face us as a country were never talked about, the reason being that if the real issues were put on the table we would have had to engage on a serious discussion. I don't think we are ready for serious discussions because the real issues don't lend themselves to 14 characters, the real issues don't lend themselves to sound bites on TV," she said.

Nooyi emphasised that at some point the nation will have to "pick up the big issues of technological unemployment, global trade, immigration - all of which needs reform and have serious conversation about that.

"Who is going to call for that dialogue, who will participate in that dialogue and what are we going to do about the dialogue are all big questions. I don't know how we can have it in short bursts of sound bites. It would be counterproductive to do it in sound bites," she said.

On the protectionist and isolationist campaign rhetoric, Nooyi said she worries that there might be "discrimination" against American companies overseas if there is protectionism in the US but expressed hope that what Trump said during the election campaign will be different from what actually happens under his presidency.

"I'm sincerely hoping based on the talk we heard from our President-elect the day after the election, that what we heard before the election and what we are really going to see in action are quite different. That it is much more measured, more sensitive to the trade deals we have already. That we want to build this county the right way going forward and not necessarily retreat into isolationism," she said.

Nooyi was unequivocally critical of Trump's lewd and obscene remarks against women during his campaign that he had described as "locker room" talk.

"How dare we talk about women that way. Why do we talk that way about a whole group of citizens. I don't think there is place for that kind of language in any part of society - not in locker rooms, not in football players' homes, not in any place. If we don't nip it in the bud, this is going to be a lethal force that is going to take over society.

"Locker room conversation about women is absolutely intolerable. That too that kind of locker room conversation," she said referring to the lewd remarks made by Trump against women in a leaked 2005 video.

"This has just got to stop," Nooyi said to a huge round of applause from the audience.


Tuesday, 15 Nov 2016

Do not worry, Trump is better than Mr. Modi....

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News Network
June 3,2024


Mangaluru: Tamil Nadu surfers swept the top honors in all four categories, men’s open, women’s open, groms boys & U-16 and groms girls & U-16, at the Indian Open of Surfing at the Sasihithlu beach.

Ajeesh Ali, who competed in the Paris Olympics qualifiers (2023 ISA World Surfing Games, El Salvador) last year, was crowned the new IOS champion in the men’s open category.

Teenage sensation Kamali Moorthi completed a double victory by winning both the women’s open and groms girls & U-16 categories, successfully defending her titles.

Another Tamil Nadu teenager, Tayin Arun, impressed the judges with his maneuvers and was crowned the new IOS champion in the groms boys & U-16 category.

The final day's action began with the semi-finals of the groms boys and U-16 category. Local favorite Pradeep Pujar led the pack with a score of 8.80, advancing to the finals alongside Prahlad Sriram (8.50), Harish P (8.26), and Tayin Arun (6.76).

Speaking on the surfing conditions today, Dylan Amar from Indonesia, who was the head judge at Indian Open of Surfing, said, “The conditions today were excellent, making this venue highly competitive. Over the three days, the athletes put on an impressive show. If they maintain this level of effort, Indian surfers could soon make it to the Olympics."

The action then moved to the semi-finals of the groms girls and U-16 category. Tamil Nadu surfers Dhamayanthi Sriram and Mahathi Srinivasabharathi qualified for the finals with scores of 4.57 and 3.54 respectively. Kamali Moorthi, the top seed from Tamil Nadu, had already been granted a final spot based on her national ranking.

The finals of the groms boys and U-16 category saw Tayin Arun impressing the judges with his acrobatics, winning his first title at IOS with a score of 10.17. Harish P (8.40) and Prahlad Sriram (7.47) made it a thrilling competition, finishing second and third, respectively. Mantra Surf Club's Pradeep Pujar finished fourth with a score of 5.34.

Speaking after winning his first-ever IOS title, Tayin Arun expressed his joy, "I’m really happy to win the title today as it is my first IOS title, and the conditions were really good for surfing. I enjoyed surfing today, and I’m looking forward to winning more titles in the future. I missed Kishore Kumar as he is my best friend, and I would like to beat him as well."

The final day also featured the groms girls and U-16 finals, an all-Tamil Nadu affair. Kamali Moorthi emerged victorious with a commanding score of 12.17, securing the title by a wide margin. Dhamayanthi Sriram (5.93) and Mahathi Srinivasabharathi (2.07) finished second and third, respectively.

The highlight event of the day was the men’s open surfing final, another all Tamil Nadu affair, featuring the top-seeded surfers from across the country. Ajeesh Ali, who represented India at the 2023 ISA World Surfing Games in El Salvador, walked away with the championship title with the highest score of the day (14.70). The intense action and thrilling competition in the category captivated the audience.

Srikanth D (12.57) and Sanjaikumar S (11.10) took the runner-up and second runner-up titles, respectively, while Sanjay Selvamani came in fourth with a score of 6.17.

Speaking after winning the IOS title in surfing men’s open category, Ajeesh Ali said, “I am thrilled to have won the title today after being the runner-up in the previous edition. Winning the Indian Open of Surfing was something I desperately wanted.

"My experience in El Salvador last year for the Paris Olympics qualifiers allowed me to compete with some of the world’s best surfers and learn a great deal from them. The conditions today were challenging with slow waves, but luckily, I had a board specifically for such conditions. The competition was fierce, as my fellow surfers are among the best in the country."

The women’s open surf category finals concluded the event with fierce competition among India’s leading female surfers. Kamali Moorthi emerged victorious, winning the IOS women’s championship title in a thrilling final.

Kamali scored 12.40 in the finals, narrowly edging out 2022 champion Sugar Banarse from Goa, who scored 12.23 and finished as the runner-up by just 0.17 points. Neha Vaid from Mumbai came in third with a score of 2.97.

Speaking post winning the double titles at IOS, Kamali said, "I am thrilled to have successfully defended both my titles at the Indian Open of Surfing. Surfing in Mangaluru is always a joy, and today was no different. The women’s open category was challenging because I was competing against Sugar Banarse, the 2022 champion. Despite this, I managed to stay calm and not let the pressure get to me before the finals." 


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News Network
June 8,2024

Mangaluru: Commissioner of Police Anupam Agrawal has directed school and college heads to strictly adhere to the Karnataka Motor Vehicles (Conditions for Vehicles Engaged in Transport of School Children) Rules 2012 and submit a compliance report.

Chairing a meeting with heads of schools and colleges, Schoolchildren Safety Committee members, and school vehicle owners on Friday, the commissioner also proposed changing school and college timings to facilitate smoother traffic flow in the city.

Emphasizing the importance of adherence to traffic rules by students and parents who drop children off at schools, the commissioner highlighted the need to raise awareness among students and their parents about the safety of children in school vehicles. He stressed that drivers should avoid overloading vehicles and refrain from using shrill horns. "Action will be taken against vehicle owners for violating the rules," he warned.

The commissioner suggested measures to reduce vehicle density on the roads during the start and end of class hours. "Parking space should be arranged within school premises for school vehicles to facilitate safe boarding and alighting of students. If no parking space is available, arrangements should be made to provide parking within the campus as soon as possible," he directed school heads.


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News Network
June 12,2024


Mangaluru: The Air India Express is all set to increase the frequency of its flights from Mangaluru to Abu Dhabi to a daily flight from July 22. 

At present, Air India Express operates four flights in a week to Abu Dhabi on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

This will also result in an uptick in daily flights to Bengaluru to eight, with AIE and IndiGo restarting flights and AIE routing aircraft for enhanced Abu Dhabi operations.

At present, IndiGo and AIE operate a total of five flights daily on the Bengaluru-Mangaluru sector. From July 8, the daily flights on this sector will go up to six, with AIE restarting its second daily flight. 

This number will further increase to seven from July 22, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. AIE will operate this additional flight onwards to Abu Dhabi from Mangaluru.

The Bengaluru-Mangaluru leg will operate purely as a domestic flight, and Abu Dhabi passengers will board at Mangaluru.

From August 1, flights on the Bengaluru-Mangaluru sector will go up to eight on three days in a week – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, respectively. AIE will operate the third flight on these days to go with its two daily flights.

IndiGo will operate five daily flights, including the fifth flight which it announced in the summer schedule starting March 31. For operations on this sector that sees high passenger footfalls, AIE uses the Boeing-737 Max and IndiGo uses the Airbus series aircraft.

On the Mumbai-Mangaluru sector, AIE will operate the afternoon flight from July 16 in place of Air India, which will continue to operate the morning flight.

Currently, airlines from Mangaluru International Airport, operate five daily flights to Mumbai and Bengaluru, two daily flights to Chennai and Hyderabad, respectively, one daily flight to Delhi, three weekly flights to Pune and one weekly flight to Tiruchirappalli.

International flights operation includes two daily flights to Dubai by AIE, and four weekly flights by IndiGo, four weekly to Dammam, three weekly to Muscat, two weekly to Doha and Bahrain, and one weekly flight each to Kuwait and Jeddah – all by AIE.


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