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Sharief S
Sunday, 30 Jul 2017

The move is much impressive and a great step towards Logic, but still lacking towards perfection.

We should know well the God has a already decreed us the religion which is for all to obey. That religion is perfectly preaching 1ness and much perfect.

We dont want to worry to invent it, as the God has already introduced it for all of us.

We need to just identify it amontst the so called religions. You be whoever with your name.

You have Islam religion is there which God has created for all. Read and understand it, nothing can be found parallel to it.

Because it is the devine set of God's command in its entirety forms one and only true religion.

Please know it well, it is the latest revised version of its predecessing religions Judaism and Christianity.

In otherwords it is the latest version by the God for all of us. Follow it well it is Lingaitism in its purest form.


This is like is you are searching true gold among the imitated fake  products.


It is everybody's duty and right to seach for your rights.