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Thursday, 11 Oct 2018

It is compulsory for every humanbeing to search for the truth and true religion.

Try until convinced the fact. If not understood, ask the experts to clear the doubts.


Once convinced dare to accept it, without fearing of others. That is the true spirit.

No compulsion on religion.

But if failed to follow after convincing the truth, then it is real disobedience of the God. 


These people are putting conditions to their other party.

they say if other party do  this, then we will remain as Hindus  else we goto Islam.

Islam does not force anyone NOR prevent from accepting.

If one accepts Islam, it is for him only, not for others.


Islam does not accept such conditions, nor forcing to accept. And Islam does not offer any bribe. It is forbidden in Islam to bribe.

Because truth does not need bribe nor fear to say the truth.