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Love GOD
Thursday, 1 Nov 2018

GOD Created man to worship him alone but some basta@d like swamy created there own god and spreading lies & corruption, the people who worship the dummy god will be permenently rooted in hell forever. mainly who worship IDOL.  in islam womens are allowed to enter masjid but in sperated room, you can see the house of GOD Kaaba which allows any person to come even women & child or baby. but it not allow idol worshipped, GOD does not restrict any one but only he have some guidline for women aswell as any human being


qurans word

the day will come on judgement day the same people like swamy will be questioned by his follower why you told us lie about GOD and made to worship dummmy god, he will answer simple that he did not force anyone i just showed to you & you came back to me. them you realize the truth and accept the punishment.


think before while you accepting anything as GOD.

GOD created messenger to pass his message. you dont need manager, mediator or influncer, ask directly with GOD he is all knowing.