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Ramesh Mishra
Wednesday, 23 Jun 2021

The future of the Rule of Law is tattered in India. Murder due to dowry is historically a chronic disease in India, this kind of death is giving a strong message to the world that India is uncivilised and a barbaric regime and life is worthless. The Indian leaders are following the road to " SAINTHOOD", and people are murdered mindlessly. Murder, rape, atrocities, human right abuse and crimes against humanity are on the rise. The respectable Higherarchical Courts can put an end to such horrendous crime which is constantly bothering the International Community of Nation about the Government of India. The Hierarchical Honourable Courts have the Constitutional power, skill and the universal wisdom to guide the Government of India to respect the full equality right and respect the Rule of Law to protect the Nation.
Ramesh Mishra
Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA