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Rajeev Agrawal
Wednesday, 20 Jan 2016

There should be all around awareness programme to make people understand the significance of Indian desi cow. Indian desi cow (not jersey cow or any other breed) has the superior and spiritual (not religious) value including her product like Milk, Urine & Gobar. There is direct link between her and mother earth. The peace and prosperity can be achieved on the earth by serving the desi cows. Therefore, service to Indian desi cow should not be linked to any religion.
Her urine is used to cure dreaded disease like Cancer, AIDS and many other type of disease and her gobar can be used as an alternative source of energy through gobar plant for generating gas for cooking, gas for generating electricity and gas for running the vehicles etc. Gobar and urine also used as best available fertilizer & insecticides. Unfortunately chemical fertilizer and poisonous insecticides are used which is not only producing harmful crops but polluting ground water used for drinking purpose. Indian desi cows are the backbone of organic agriculture, instrumental for environment protection, healthcare and peace & prosperity on earth. In short she is the backbone of human welfare.
We must work hard and target to bring law on complete ban on desi cow slaughter including calf & bulls in the country through awareness programme, legal and political course in order to achieve peace & prosperity on the Earth.
Er. Rajeev Agrawal
[email protected]