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Prem Vani
Sunday, 10 Jan 2016

SHANTHI SAUHARDA ADALAT Organized by the District Administration and Karnataka Journalists Union is a good move and this kind of SAUHARDA ADALAT has to be organized from time to time i.e. at least once in two months to maintain peace, law and order in the District and to build the TRUST & LOVE in between the various communities.

We are all created by ONE GOD irrespective of our color or creed and in fact and it is our duty to promote brotherhood in the Society. People have to cooperate with the POLICE and ADMINISTRATION to suppress the communal hatred and severely punish the culprits.

Dakshina Kannada district was very famous for good reasons and we have to maintain the same image. Together we will not support the people those who try to spoil the image of our district. Due to the hatred and disturbances in the district we lost the incoming INVESTORS in the district and caused CRORES of loss to the district.

We citizens of D.K. District, let us live peacefully and let others to live peaceful. Let us keep up the dignity of all our fellow citizens irrespective of caste, creed or color.

Thanks to the organizers of this meet and please keep up the same trend for the sake of our people and the society.

May God bless.