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Well Wisher of JF
Thursday, 28 Jan 2016

For last several years, AMACO tried their level best to win JF Cup and finally this year their Dream came True by winning the \JF Winter Cup 2016\". AMACO displayed a true sportsmen spirit throughout the game and cricket is also known as Gentleman's game and really it displayed throughout the tournament by the players of all the 12 Cricket Teams and of course the effort of JF Sports Organizing Team for successfully organizing the Mega Event of the Year. JF Dammam Unit once again wrote the success story in golden words. Keep it up all the members of JF Dammam Unit for displaying the dedication and commitment towards the upliftment and development of our community back-home. May Allah Bless all the members of JF and their contribution to the organization - Aameen. Very truly said by one of JF Member during the event that \"JF is the Mother of all the Organization\" and indeed JF is Mother to many new organizations who learned and adopt the activities of JF to develop the community in their own region and villages. MASHA ALLAH"