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Tuesday, 9 Feb 2016

Ibrahim Hussain Udupi, I can scense your jealousy in naming some politicians name when you do not know what good Mr. Masood has done to his community. Come to Jodupalli,Kudroli, Bunder etc and see. The Central committee is doing a good job and people like you are always there to point fingers at someone or the other. If you think you can do a difference stand for elections or let us know what good you do to out community. It is easy to write negative comment but to write a good one you need to be good at heart. By the way ask the Kazi of Mangalore what Mr. Masood has done and is doing for the community. go visit Kashipattana where a girls college is coming up go to Kudroli and visit the old age home for women. Come out of your dreams bro. Grow up and learn to appreciate.