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Sunday, 14 Feb 2016

At the comments supporting prasanna just remember your supporting corruption as well. Why would a reputed person such as poonja accuse him of such a serious crime he wouldn't get anything other then a long trial at the court for standing up against a corrupt officer .i have heard of such cases against prasanna before it's just that no one ever brought it to light and we should support poonja for doing this. Medal or not corruption and extortion is wrong and since I've heard many stories about him attacking the rich for money poonja's word and repute definitely prevail's over his.also raiding a hotel was wrong anyone living in the city knws it's the oldest and safest one around to the below people who called this planned .please give your justification for the raid then? No one can fake that especially when nothin was found.the raid will definetely be in the records prasanna can't deny that. I hope he's forced to resign we don't need such corrupt officials bullying people