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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Nobel QURAN tells us that ALL MANKIND is descended from ONE couple (ADAM & EVE ) Thus we are all bro & sis's and our differences is Languages and colors are but a MERCY that we might know ONE ANOTHER. Language and race should never be a reason for discriminating against people.
A MUSLIM should maintain good relations with HIS RELATIVES, but he should not unjustly FAVOR them over OTHERS. Further, A MUSLIM must be good to HIS NEIGHBORS, no matter their RELIGION. But the PROPHET MUHAMMAD pbuh taught us that a \NEIGHBOR\" is not just the one next door but includes all those up to 40 houses in all directions - effectively whole neighborhood...

If a MUSLIM works for the society with good deeds without showoff or expecting anything from people ... Then ALLAH will reward them... That's the purpose A TRUE MUSLIM will expect from ALLAH alone and not from PEOPLE...
When God promises... Then we should help and doesnt expect anything from people... Success and contentment in life comes when we OBEY the CREATOR alone & follow his messenger's advice.

Great work from HIF...May ALLAH reward YOU guys for helping in times of NEED..."