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True indian
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2016

I haven't disgraced it, i respect rama shiva etc. but we believe they might be messenger of God.

Some of ur vedas scripture are similiar to that of Quran. But if u follow the teaching of vedas. U will be a muslim.

There is only one God and one religion.

Muslim is nothing but submission of will to God. Even vedas speak about that. But unfortunately u dont follow.

If u do just the opposite of vedas. Will God likes it. That is my question.

I think u should question ur Hindu pandits that if vedas says one god and should not make the idol of it,

I respect that u respect Holy Quran. And Quran also says not to degrade or insult other religion, But u can show them or teach them, its upto them who believe it or not.

Allah sent 124,000 prophets on earth. Thats why i said they might be messenger of God.

Too many Gods means they fight among each other some of the Gods view may be different. Many says some Gods asks for human blood, Animal blood. If one god doesn't answer ur prayers then u have to try with other Gods.