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Wonder Kotian
Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Any Master Blaster Puranik, which part of the world he is leaving, Like this Buffoons started Destroying the Hindustan, I do not understand, Temple, Church or Mosque all the place to worship for the Human being, in between there is religious wise, Cultural wise, Language wise all we Human made but God is same to all, it was happening before, why nowadays doing like this?????
What these Criminal Minded Puranik Climbing up some one, he Looted, he did alot of crimes and stored a lot for him and his belongs, all these Criminalism effects the Poor people, they will suffer, while coming to Poor there is no Bajjis, Raniss VHPS will not help. mind it all these Criminals only await to loot only.
In my Elder time I Entered all these places, no one said anything.
While I was is South Africa I see there are Two Foot path one For White One For Black, looks like, These Goondas looking to make like Hindustan, this is Destroying our God's own Country, That means all are sufferers okay Gentle Mans of Hindustan.
Purnikanna Do not bring your Personal Enmity to destroy our beautiful country.
Jai Hoo Hindustan
Jai Hoo Siddaramanna
Jai Hoo Moodiji.
Jai Bharath Matha.