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Tuesday, 28 Feb 2017

Mr.Venkayya Naidu,

Respect the INDIAN CONSTITUTION and don't try to spill poison among our young generation. rss back ABVP is spoiling our education field with anti INDIA policy trying to divide our unity. Now you are against our great freedom fighter ;insulting our MARTYRS family in some occasion you insulted our Father Of Nation.
Who gave rights to rss and chelas to comment or decide \Major opinion is acceptable\" here you target one particular corner which is against our constitution. India never restrict a ANDRA Telugu person to migrate or to stay in neighbor state. And it will applicable / permit all INDIAN citizens to lead their peaceful life in any corner of INDIA with rest of the INDIAN citizens respectively. Moreover every citizen has a right to follow his religion. No one is permitted to decline or to oppose.
Hope you will understand above sincere opinion advise and trust you will stop hate comments and start your new peaceful friendly life.
No much days left with you so try to stop communal mind set.
Jai Hind !"