Health & Food

Washington, Nov 5: Soaking up some sun may help improve your mental and emotional well-being, a new study has claimed. The study by researchers at Brigham Young University in the US found when it comes to mental and emotional health, the amount of time between sunrise and sunset is the weather variable that matters most. Your day might be filled with irritatingly hot temperatures, thick air...

London, Nov 5: Increased intake of food and drinks with added sugar may raise the risk of heart attack or myocardial infarction by about a third in some people, a new study has warned. Sucrose occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables, but the majority of our consumption is through added sucrose, researchers said. Besides sweetened beverages, cakes and sweets, sucrose is added to many ordinary...

Nov 2: Consuming an egg -- nutrient-rich source of high quality protein -- per day may lead to a 12 per cent reduction in risk of stroke, a new research shows. One large egg boasts six grams of high-quality protein and antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, found within the egg yolk, as well as vitamins E, D, and A, the study said. "Eggs do have many positive nutritional attributes, including...

New Delhi, Oct 29: As India continue to report 16 lakh cases of stroke every year, health experts have said that at least one third of these cases are caused by mere modifiable lifestyle factors and deteriorating air quality. A study concluded by the city-based Fortis Escorts Heart Institute reveals that lifestyle problems such as depression, chronic anxiety and job stress trigger the brain and...

New Delhi, Oct 28: Apart from obesity, birth control pills and additional factors such as smoking, high blood pressure or diabetes may put women at increased risk for the most common type of stroke, health experts suggest. Oral contraceptives increase the risk of ischemic strokes, caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel in the brain. "Women who take birth control pills are...

Oct 28: Cranberry capsules didn't prevent or cure urinary infections in nursing home residents in a study challenging persistent unproven claims to the contrary. The research adds to decades of conflicting evidence on whether cranberries in any form can prevent extremely common bacterial infections, especially in women. Many studies suggesting a benefit were based on weak science, but that hasn't...

Oct 27: Paving the way for a fast, noninvasive method that could lead to the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer, researchers have identified a suite of molecules in faeces that signifies the presence of precancerous polyps. ‘The exciting part is being able to see differences in the stool,’ said one of the researchers Herbert Hill, Professor at Washington State University. ‘This could lead to a...

Washington, Oct 26: According to a recent research conducted at Purdue University, adding whole eggs to a colourful salad boosts the amount of Vitamin E which the body absorbs from the vegetables. Expert Wayne Campbell said, “Vitamin E is the second-most under-consumed nutrient in the average American diet, which is problematic because this fat-soluble nutrient has antioxidant and anti...

New Delhi, Oct 25: A migraine is a severe headache and also the most common and painful things that a person can experience. One can help manage this painful headache by taking preventive and pain-relieving medications. Below are some causes of migraine that you should be aware about: Alcohol Consuming too much of alcohol, especially wine, and highly caffeinated beverages may cause migraines...

Washington, Oct 24: In a recent study, scientists have discovered a new mechanism that regulates obesity. The study shows that this new mechanism can potentially be targeted to treat obesity. Senior author of the study Makoto Fukuda said, "It's well known that the brain is involved in the development of obesity, but how a high-fat diet changes the brain so it triggers the accumulation of body fat...