Change has come… I am satisfied: PM Modi

May 29, 2016

New Delhi, May 29: Celebrating second anniversary of his government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said a "change" has come in the last two years through good governance and vowed to root out corruption and make life easier for the people who have been "looted" for years.

Without naming Congress, he accused the Opposition party of pursuing the agenda of obstructionism and expressed confidence that people can see through it and find truth.

Recalling the scams and scandals during the UPA governments including in coal block allocation, the Prime Minister said checking the menace of corruption is the focus of his government and people can see it when compared with that of previous dispensations.

"As long as we do not remember the work done during the days of the previous government, we will not be able to realize that what a big task has been accomplished," he said.

"I am standing before people of the country with satisfaction. We have been able to to get the trust and enthusiasm of people despite a very minute examination of our work. The trust of people is growing day by day. This also increases our confidence.

"I cannot say this about those for whom opposing us is necessary for political reasons. That is also natural. But I want to say one thing. On one hand there is the agenda of development (vikaswaad) and on the other hand is the agenda of obstructionsism (virodhvaad)," he said.

Speaking at the the event "Ek Nayi Subah", which was held in talkathon format spread over nearly six hours with most of the ministers in attendance, the Prime Minister said that his government has not taken any decision with "malafide intention".

Modi assured people that his government was working very hard and doing everthing to live up to the faith they have reposed in him.

"I am here to assure you that we are doining everything to live up to the faith people have reposed in us. And the country has seen that no decision was taken with any malafide intention, no effort was spared in working hard and we have dedicated ourselves to people's cause by keeping their and national interest paramount.

"It is true that those who have pocketed money will face difficulties and feel the pinch. Who have pocketed it and when have they pocketed it is not my subject but it is the money belonging to the poor and will not be allowed to go to others," he said.

Giving figures, the Prime Minister said about Rs 36,000 crore has been saved annually by plugging leakages in various programmes and said those who were benefitting from corruption are the ones who are feeling "hurt".

"Some people tell me that I do so much work and yet face so much opposition and abuse. They advise to engage with media more and rectify communciation strategy. How do I convince them that those who were beneficiaries of the 36,000 crore will abuse me when I have stopped this loot of public money," the Prime Minister said.

Modi said that the biggest change has been infusing confidence in people and working with committment to fulfil their expectations.

Rejecting criticism by Congress, which has said that Modi government has done nothing in the last two years, the Prime Minister said the country has seen that his dispensation has spared no effort in working hard and totally dedicated itself to work for the nation and common masses.

"People are capable to find out the truth by comparing this agenda of development and the agenda of obstructionism. While every step taken by the government should be evaluated minutely, my concern is that nothing should be done which throws the country in an abyss of despair," he said.

Noting that sometimes he comes across criticism, which has no basis, Modi said that the evaluation of his government has to be done in the context of the functioning of the previous governments.

Claiming to have brought a transparent auction system for coal blocks allocation, he reminded that the previous government had got "defamed" due to corruption in this sector, which was widely reported by the media then.

The Prime Minister said that the importance of his government's efforts on this can be understood if it is examined why such a massive corruption happened earlier on this issue.

"Corruption is hollowing out our country hollow like termites. If there is one thing, which can shatter our dreams for developing the nation, it is this moth of corruption and we are committed to root it out," he said.

Detailing the government's achievement in plugging leakages, the Prime Minister said that a sum of Rs 15,000 crore was saved by weeding out fake beneficiaries of LPG subsidies.

Modi said his government had also detected over 1.62 crore fake ration cards and listed some measures taken in other BJP-ruled states in this direction.

"It is only a beginning. It is a new dawn," he said, asserting that his government will continue with such measures in next three years of its term."

Noting that 1.13 crore people have given up subsidy on LPG on his call, he said it was remarkable as issues like whether to give nine or 12 subsidised cylinders per year had dominated the political discourse.

Modi said had he announced a power plant with an investment of 1 lakh crore, then it would be hailed as big news and some people would have wondered where the money will come from but the fact that his government is going to save similar amount of money with supply to LED bulbs to 500 cities, thereby saving 20 thousand megawat of power does not make news.


Monday, 30 May 2016

ha ha he he he hu hu hu................bundal baaz. Besharam.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

satisfied only Ambani & Adani....

Sunday, 29 May 2016

15 Lakhs not yet been given....
Black money has not been recovered....
Ache din is not reachable....

One of indian
Sunday, 29 May 2016

Yes of course,change has confirmed. If you eat beef you will be killed .its a channge .Look at the export in beef ,no 1 in the world. Dont eat but export. Its a big changes.
And about black money already empty at Swiss bank. Its called change. Reliance and other co is earning billions (let common person dont just eat no issue)
Reliance agent is roaming

Sunday, 29 May 2016

He changed the name of Kerala to Somalia... Great acheivement

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Yes Change of DECEPTION, Lies, Arrogant, Cheaters and rapist have come to our Land...
When will U open your EYES to these changes...

A. Mangalore
Sunday, 29 May 2016

Ha Ha Ha Ha....... big joke of the year.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

In 2 years he has shown how a true leader leads our Nation!

Sunday, 29 May 2016

2 years of being a truly Proud Indian. Thank you NaMo!

Kavitha Mahajan
Sunday, 29 May 2016

Congratulations to PM #Modi & his Sarkaar for completing 2 years but NO sign of AccheDin

Sunday, 29 May 2016

modi taught Rahul that Congress 60 years = Modi's 2 Year => Nothing?(Both) Get Well Soon Young Uncle

Sunday, 29 May 2016

2 years back, newly elected PM Modi donated his savings for girls' education before leaving Gujarat. the great human being.

Kaun Hain
Sunday, 29 May 2016

For 2 years, farmers are pleading with PM Modi for equitable increase in MSP. But, callous BJP Gov isn't listening

Sunday, 29 May 2016

PM MODI done extremely well in their 2 years of duration as Prime Minister of India.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Assam win was the best gift for PM Modi as he completes 2 years in office

Sunday, 29 May 2016

LOL. what else they have been doing with between 2002 and 2014 & PM Modi for the past 2 years??

Sunday, 29 May 2016

2 years ago, India chose PM Modi led BJP Govt 2 years after, India got Govt for the Swamy, by the Swamy, of the Swamy. So many Swamy.... :-(

Sunday, 29 May 2016

PM Modi’s 2 years of murdering democracy in India.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Even after two years in Government,PM Modi's Make in India remains a hollow promise.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

The maximum number of farmer suicide cases in Maharashtra at 725, followed by Punjab at 449 in 2015 But PM Modi Celebrating 2 Years of NDA

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Mr. Feku....voters are not satisfied.....

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Obviously...he is satisfied because he went world tour and earned corrupted money more than he expected.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Where is black money????

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News Network
May 24,2024


Mysuru, May 24: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah stated on Friday that the family of fugitive JD(S) MP and prime accused in the sex videos case, Prajwal Revanna, knows everything about him.

When asked about the warning to Prajwal Revanna by his grandfather, former Prime Minister, HD Deve Gowda, that he would be isolated from the family, CM Siddaramaiah questioned, “Has Prajwal gone without informing his family? Hasn’t he been in contact with his family members?

“His uncle Kumaraswamy had stated that Prajwal was not in touch with him from the beginning. However, while campaigning for him, Kumaraswamy claimed that Prajwal was like his son.

“Doesn’t this statement prove that there was communication between them? Prajwal’s matter is known to his family.”

Prajwal Revanna is facing serious charges and the FIR against him contains charges of rape, sexual assault, disrobing women and forcibly videographing sexual acts in order to threaten the victims.

“I have not stated that Prajwal Revanna is a criminal. I have been saying that he is an accused in the case,” the CM clarified.

Answering a question on former CM Kumaraswamy’s accusation that the government was tapping his phone, CM Siddaramaiah said, “Kumaraswamy is saying anything that comes to his mind to divert attention from the Prajwal Revanna case. Kumaraswamy must first learn to respect the law of the land.”

CM Siddaramaiah stressed, “I have written letters twice to PM Modi seeking the cancellation of Prajwal Revanna’s passport and haven’t received a response yet. The PM has not responded to my letters. I am confident that a letter from the CM will get a response. Let me see if my second letter is answered.”

Regarding his son, former MLA Dr. Yathindra getting the post of MLC, CM Siddaramaiah stated that the high command had promised that Yathindra would be made an MLC.

“We have to wait for the decision of the high command,” he maintained.

“I was contemplating contesting from the Kolar Assembly seat. I was asked to contest from Varuna, and Yathindra was asked to vacate the seat for me. Yathindra, following the words of the high command, vacated the seat for me. It remains to be seen what the high command will do,” he stated.


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News Network
May 21,2024


India is currently polling in the Lok Sabha elections, and AI-generated videos that spread disinformation have emerged as a major threat. As per a report, Meta approved several political advertisements manipulated by Artificial Intelligence that spread disinformation during Lok Sabha elections 2024.

Facebook reportedly approved ads that contained slurs towards Muslims in India like “let’s burn this vermin” and “Hindu blood is spilling, these invaders must be burned” along with disinformation about political leaders and other messages with Hindu supremacist language.

Another advert approved by the owner of Facebook and Instagram called for an opposition leader's execution who as per a false claim sought to “erase Hindus from India”. This ad contained the image of a Pakistan flag alongside the message.

The report comes at a time when the social media platform X had to recently take down an animated video shared by the Karnataka unit of the BJP after an Election Commission direction.

India Civil Watch International (ICWI) and Ekō, a corporate accountability organisation created and submitted these adverts to Meta's ad library to test the company's mechanism to detect and block harmful political content.

All adverts “were created based upon real hate speech and disinformation prevalent in India, underscoring the capacity of social media platforms to amplify existing harmful narratives," the report mentioned.

The researchers submitted 22 adverts to Meta in English, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, and Kannada, of which 14 were approved. Another three were approved with small tweaks. However, once approved, the researchers immediately removed the ads before their publication.

The research concluded that Meta failed to detect the presence of AI-manipulated images in all of the approved ads.

While five of the adverts, including one with some allegations against PM Modi were rejected on charge of breaking Meta's policy on hate speech, the report noted that the 14 others approved targetted Muslims and “broke Meta’s own policies on hate speech, bullying and harassment, misinformation, and violence and incitement."

“Supremacists, racists and autocrats know they can use hyper-targeted ads to spread vile hate speech, share images of mosques burning and push violent conspiracy theories – and Meta will gladly take their money, no questions asked,” the Guardian quoted Maen Hammad, a campaigner at Ekō as saying.

In response, Meta clarified that they require advertisers to disclose their use of AI.

“When we find content, including ads, that violates our community standards or community guidelines, we remove it, regardless of its creation mechanism. AI-generated content is also eligible to be reviewed and rated by our network of independent factcheckers – once a content is labeled as ‘altered’ we reduce the content’s distribution. We also require advertisers globally to disclose when they use AI or digital methods to create or alter a political or social issue ad in certain cases," the company said in response.

Meanwhile, Meta has been accused in the past of failing to curb Islamophobia on its platforms.

“This election has shown once more that Meta doesn’t have a plan to address the landslide of hate speech and disinformation on its platform during these critical elections,” Hammad said questioning how one can trust Meta if it fails to detect even a handful of AI-generated images.


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News Network
May 30,2024


Mangaluru, May 30: In a heart-warming display of integrity and interfaith harmony amid the backdrop of communal tensions in coastal Karnataka, a madrasa teacher showcased remarkable honesty by returning a bag containing Rs 2.43 lakh in cash that he found on Kelaginapete Road in Bantwal taluk.

Abdul Majeed Faizi, a dedicated teacher at Manazul Islam Madrasa, was crossing Kelaginapete Road on the morning of May 28 when he stumbled upon a bag lying on the road. Upon inspecting the bag, he found it filled with currency notes. Without hesitation, he reported the matter to the Madrasa administrative committee.

The committee swiftly took action, verifying the ownership of the money with the local community. Their investigation revealed that the cash belonged to Sripati Srikant Bhat, a local resident. Bhat soon arrived at the Madrasa, where Abdul Majeed Faizi returned the bag of money to him. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Bhat expressed his sincere thanks to Faizi for his commendable honesty.

This incident not only highlights Abdul Majeed Faizi’s exemplary character but also serves as a beacon of interfaith unity and trust in the region.


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