Right-wing students' saffron agitation' against hijab in govt college sparks row

[email protected] (CD Network | Natasha Sharma)
August 31, 2016

Mangaluru, Aug 31: A group of right-wing students in Dr K Shivarama Karantha Govt First Grade College located in Peruvaje Bellare of Sullia taluk in coastal Karnataka have launched a bizarre protest to exert pressure on the principal to impose ban on girls' hijab (a dress covering entire body except face and hands) inside college.

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The anti-hijab agitators of the college, who apparently vow loyalty to hard-line Hindutva groups, have started wearing saffron shawl over their shirts in classroom. They are also encouraging all Hindu male students to wear saffron shawls. However, most of the Hindu students have refused to join the saffron agitation.

When the principal and a few lecturers took the agitators to task for dressing and behaving like Bajrang Dal activists inside classroom, they replied that they would stop wearing saffron shawls only if the college imposes ban on hijab inside the college.

The development has triggered a debate on social media and the photos of saffron clad students are going viral on WhatsApp and Facebook. While Hindutva groups have backed the agitators, others have criticized them.

“Hijab is a religious obligation to Muslims. Muslim girls hesitate to show any part of their body except hands and face. Demanding ban on hijab is an act of intolerance,” commented one Sindhu on Facebook.

“Interestingly, only a few male students with poor academic record, are raising voice against those girls who cover their body fully. Their attitude clearly shows that they lack manners and common sense,” said Firdous, a farmer student of the same college on WhatsApp group.

Chetan Sharma, another alumnus of the college, who is also a member of ABVP, replied: “Let them wear hijab in their mosques and madrasas, but not in government colleges, where people belonging to different faiths study. Muslim boys and girls should learn to be like all other human beings.”

Ruksana (name changed), a Muslim student of the college, responding to the development said: “We are not wearing black burkha inside the classroom. Some of us wear head-scarfs and cover the body properly. We don't have any problem if they (students having links with Hindutva groups) wearing saffron shawls. It's their wish.”

Another Muslim girl said that some of the ABVP activists keep taunting Muslim girls in college for wearing hijab. “Their intention is to insult Muslim girls. But, they are insulting Sita Mata and mother Mary too because, they also used to cover their body fully unlike western women,” she said.

Meanwhile, Chandrashekhar Kanthamagala, the principal of the college has decided to convene a meeting of parents of the students before taking any demission.

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Sunday, 4 Sep 2016

What they hiding under the shawl???!!!

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

Dear naren before poitning at others please check in our religon loop holes. Do you know how many wives for dashrath ? Krishna? AIf you think Hindus have only one wife, then these people may be muslims whom we worship as god. Regarding women learn to respect them. ASfter having two pes you can not identify who is mother sister or wife.And started to bark at others. Dont spoil the life of young students by giving wrong guidence.

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

Naren gurugale......Do you know God Krishna having how many wives.....61,180 ( Sixty one thousand one hundred eighty )......ha, ha,, bahala maja bantu .... go and check your purans and vedas ....

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

@ TR, Riyad.. am not saying we should or not eat beef, I was referring to an old article where people think that by not eating beef,, there will be no problem.. which is not the case.. the VH and BD's are just finding reasons to create communal tension an

naren kotian
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

M\ajith\" hahaha , exactly who cares ... alva guru .. no body cares .. becoz chaddi na hate maaadi maadi .. chaddi hakodanne marthu bitidave jihadi galu .. hahaha ... adu alde kelage 4 and mele 72 maintain madbekaadre chaddi haakodakke avakke purusottandru yelli untu maarrre ... hahaha..."

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

Clearly We see Cheddis Mind washed these students since childhood....
God prescribed that women should Cover.
it is your ignorant that U guys are mind washed and following the devils scripture thru cheddi ideology...
if we see the cheddis main prayer in the morning is jai KALI...
please understand that the KALI is not God
There is no image of God - Na tasya pratima asti...
There is devil n this world which God created, and those who follow him and never repent will end up in Fire... So recognise this ... To recognise the devils U need to learn what does God wants us human being to do.
To know that, U need to study Who is God. to know who is God ... U need to be honest and look in all religious scripture on what does God says...
If U r really honest... U will see his signs in your life that's the best blessing one can have in LIfe.. Its not required to be sanyasi or moulave... just look for God.

naren kotian
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

well done boys , jihadists are penetrating and implimenting their anti india designs in colleges and schools ... they even tried to loot and attack police station to release one of the blood thirsty millitant , who killed innocent billava youth ... Put tilak also , mohiddin ,namhudugaru deshakkoskara goons aadru parvagilla , unda manege droha maaado namak harami jihadi galu alla naavu ... admit the fact lot of ISIS elements are in coastal now ... hahaha ...faizhal bhai ... u want me to show RSS brilliant minds ? Just go and see in any IT , hospitals or any research lab or in Nasa or in world bank or in UAE only or in saudi ... papa bunder nalli dana hodeyo truck badige ge kodovavanige entha gothuntu maarrre ... hahaha.. mirchi ittanghe aitha ?bunder ka bunder ... aache baa guru ... prapancha nodu ... bari 72 virgins and 4 babes itkondu ade prapachancha andu kodre dudda foolishness ... just tell me one madrasa which produced pHD science student :) hahaha ...if iam not mistaken one madrasa rank student said globe is flat ...such a level of IQ ... Enu madakke agalla mamsa tindu tindu , dana kaddu kaddu ... badhaitav galige knowledge ilve illa ... avagaladdu ene idru no ledger business ashte .. hahaha

Satyameva jayate
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

Today in schools and colleges...tomorrow in malls...later bus stops...then ban in public.....OK if we agree for burka ban.....will you ask your sadhwees and mothers to wear tube tops and mini skirts....ha ha...
Pagal sangheez the bhangeez...

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016


Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

About one dozen boys wearing saffron shawl. That means 99% of the Hindu boys are in the school against these act. So nothing to worry let them wear; because it shows RSS backed students are only 1 percent in the school.

True indian
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

The more they try to defame islam. The more hindus getting exposed.

Now they are going against sita mata. Who is covering her body fully

If mary appears to seen wearing veil on all her pictures. How can u ask me to sign on hijab ban law. By Italian minister. Roberto maroni.

True indian
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

sita mata and mariam used to cover her body fully. I respect them.

What kind of hinduism is this. Going against sita mata.

Khasai Khane
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

In the mythical Ramayan, Rama's wife Sita is known to cover her herself/veil herself...! [ Check Mahavir Charithra Act 2 Page 71]

Sanghis, let's wear scarf and protest against Sita too. She is Anti-National.!

Mohammed SS
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

These useless creatures are called students..? and India's future ?, they are coming to take education...police should arrest them and put them behind bar forever or send them to unknown place where their parents also cannot trace them.. useless people spoiled the unity and atmosphere of India, Goonda attitude their faces reveal their family background from where they are coming from

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

# Sensible

Eating Beef is different issue, If you don't eat beef Allah Subhanahu will not Punish you.

Hijab is the right of Men and Women, But in case of Hijab their is.

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

men are wearing dupattas, cant believe it....big joke of the day....

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

The constitution of India, guarantees right to practice the religion.
This is the right of Muslims girls and women to wear their religiously bound dress code. If you Safrons like the Hijab wear it. It is up to you.

Are you blind, see your own films shown in theatres of Mangalore.
You pay and watch the nudy, romantic films with your family members. Then where is your Samskara. If you are brave and real Hindus, go and stop such films at least in your area.

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

not long ago.. some of the people used to tell in this forum.. lets not eat beef and problem will be solved when they used to attack muslims for transporting/eating beef... now will they say.. lets not wear burqa and solve problem.. after that.. lets convert and solve problem ?? ITS CLEAR WHAT THIS BAJRANI DAAKUS AND VISHWA PSYCOS WANT... AND IT IS ALSO CLEAR.. INDIANS WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN .. NEVER.. LET THEM TRY AS MUCH AS THEY WANT .. THEY ARE AND WILL BE ALWAYS LOSERS...@ viren get a life.. dont be a despo wagging your tongue

Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

why they wear shawl tell them to wear mundaas(turban).only for cheep publicity for 2 to 3 days.But burkha wear life time.

Satyameva jayate
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

At least show one rank student from these saffron pillas..... no one can stands for these bhanghi charsi demands

Satyameva jayate
Thursday, 1 Sep 2016

Pardah is a dress of descent women in every religion in different style covering their body for women who don't want to be stared by dirty goons like you.......in your religion only sadhwees have the right to cover fully and others should walk exposed.
How does the saffron band help you in dressing....just to recognise the terror band....you are indian terrorists Taliban's...ask your sister and mother to walk in bikini....for your saffron brothers to enjoy....

True indian
Wednesday, 31 Aug 2016

MR viren kotian.

What u do with kachra. U will burn it of course. What will u do with treasure. U will not burn. U will hide the treasure in some land.
After the death muslims don't burn their dead body. Because they are the treasure.

These students are kachra. Dont be a kachra mr kotian.

Wednesday, 31 Aug 2016

These goons are 100% future rowdies.. should be sent to bellary jail immediately with their leader chaddi naren

Viren Kotian
Wednesday, 31 Aug 2016

Good job Hindu guys...

See the tragedy of Hindu majority India. If Muslim girls wear taliban dress that's not an issue. But if Hindus wear their traditional dress secular thugs galige mai melella thurike...

Wednesday, 31 Aug 2016

Unfortunately govt colleges in coastal karnataka are turning into saffron terror hubs.

Umar Farooq Rao
Wednesday, 31 Aug 2016

Dear saffron shawl agitators,

Have you ever gifted a shawl to your parents? You are not misguided people. You are deliberately going astray.

Ajit Kumar
Wednesday, 31 Aug 2016

hahaha. future gau rakshaks. let them come with saffron kaacha if they want. who cares?

Ramya Fan
Wednesday, 31 Aug 2016

A detailed and impartial report compared to other news portals. Only CD mentioned the fact that the trouble mongers belonged to Sangh Parivar group. All other news portals reported as it entire Hindu community protesting against the hijab

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News Network
May 27,2024


Bengaluru: Karnataka Forest Minister Eshwar Khandre on Monday said the state government will settle Rs 80 lakh unpaid hotel bill of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's stay, who arrived in Mysuru in April last year to commemorate 50 years of Project Tiger, an event organised by the Union government's National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA).

He was speaking to reporters at his office about the non-payment of pending bills to Radisson Blu hotel. 

"The event to celebrate the 50 years of Project Tiger was organised by the NTCA at a time when Karnataka was under the model code of conduct in view of the Assembly elections. The state government did not take part in the event. The state, however, will foot the hotel bill," he said.

The celebration had cost a whopping Rs 6.33 crore but the NTCA had paid only Rs 3 crore. "The hotel wrote to the Forest Departments as the local officials helped NTCA in coordinating the programme. By paying the bill, we will put an end to the confusion," he said.


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News Network
May 19,2024


Mangaluru: Disgruntled BJP leader and former MLA K Raghupathi Bhat, who is contesting the legislative council election as an independent candidate from the South West Graduates constituency, said the BJP has adopted the “godfather culture” of the Congress.

Bhat told reporters here on Saturday, that he has not tried to appease any senior BJP leaders to get a party ticket to contest the MLC poll.

“I am contesting and seeking votes based on my achievements. My contesting may have a negative impact on the BJP. However, I want to go back to the BJP after winning this election,” Bhat said, and refused to answer the actual reason for the denial of a BJP ticket to him.

“I have no idea who played from behind that I was denied a ticket for the MLC poll.

Earlier, the BJP had a culture of selecting candidates for MLA and MLC polls by seeking the opinion of party workers at the booth level, followed by discussions at mandal and district levels.

Now the situation is such that even if one person’s name was sent from the state, the final list will be different. The godfather culture of the Congress has stretched into our party too. Only those who appease leaders get a ticket in the BJP. However, I have not appeased any leader. I believe in the support of party workers, and with this confidence I am contesting the election,” Bhat said.

To a query, Bhat said that he has not contacted by BJP leaders after deciding to contest the MLC poll.

“I have already requested all leaders that I should get the party’s Form B to contest the MLC poll from the South West Graduates constituency. I have told them that I am also contesting as an independent candidate on behalf of the BJP. The ultimate aim of my contesting the election is that senior leaders should know the injustice that honest party workers are facing in the BJP,” he said.


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News Network
May 24,2024


Mysuru, May 24: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah stated on Friday that the family of fugitive JD(S) MP and prime accused in the sex videos case, Prajwal Revanna, knows everything about him.

When asked about the warning to Prajwal Revanna by his grandfather, former Prime Minister, HD Deve Gowda, that he would be isolated from the family, CM Siddaramaiah questioned, “Has Prajwal gone without informing his family? Hasn’t he been in contact with his family members?

“His uncle Kumaraswamy had stated that Prajwal was not in touch with him from the beginning. However, while campaigning for him, Kumaraswamy claimed that Prajwal was like his son.

“Doesn’t this statement prove that there was communication between them? Prajwal’s matter is known to his family.”

Prajwal Revanna is facing serious charges and the FIR against him contains charges of rape, sexual assault, disrobing women and forcibly videographing sexual acts in order to threaten the victims.

“I have not stated that Prajwal Revanna is a criminal. I have been saying that he is an accused in the case,” the CM clarified.

Answering a question on former CM Kumaraswamy’s accusation that the government was tapping his phone, CM Siddaramaiah said, “Kumaraswamy is saying anything that comes to his mind to divert attention from the Prajwal Revanna case. Kumaraswamy must first learn to respect the law of the land.”

CM Siddaramaiah stressed, “I have written letters twice to PM Modi seeking the cancellation of Prajwal Revanna’s passport and haven’t received a response yet. The PM has not responded to my letters. I am confident that a letter from the CM will get a response. Let me see if my second letter is answered.”

Regarding his son, former MLA Dr. Yathindra getting the post of MLC, CM Siddaramaiah stated that the high command had promised that Yathindra would be made an MLC.

“We have to wait for the decision of the high command,” he maintained.

“I was contemplating contesting from the Kolar Assembly seat. I was asked to contest from Varuna, and Yathindra was asked to vacate the seat for me. Yathindra, following the words of the high command, vacated the seat for me. It remains to be seen what the high command will do,” he stated.


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