Milagres College accused of anti-Muslim bias; 22 students denied hall tickets

[email protected] (CD Network | Chakravarthi)
October 27, 2016

Mangaluru, Oct 27: A week after the principal of city-based Milagress College was thrashed by a student for denying him examination hall ticket on grounds of attendance shortage, a group of Muslim students on Thursday staged a protest at the entrance of the college against the alleged communal discrimination exhibited by the college authorities.

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Activists of Campus Front of India, a students' organisation, also have joined agitating students and their parents, who claim that they were denied permission to appear for examinations just because they belong to the religion of a student who had attacked the principal.

Among those who were denied hall tickets include 21 Muslim students belonging and 1 Christian student. The agitators believe that the college tried hide their real intention by including one non-Muslim student in the list.

The protesters alleged that the college authorities deliberately targeting Muslim students and trying to harm their future after the assault on principal by a Muslim student. “None of us supported the student who thrashed principal. We all have condemned it and protested against the heinous act. However, the college authorities are trying to give communal tinge to the entire episode,” claimed a hijab-clad girl who is one among the 22 agitating students.

When the students refused to vacate the place the collage authorities informed the Mangaluru North Police. Within a few minutes inspector Shantharam and team reached the spot and brought the situation under control.

Speaking to, one of the agitating girls said that around 90 degree students had shortage of attendance and the college had announced their names.
But, the college allowed most of them to appear for examinations except 22 students.
“What kind of decision is this? We never expected that the college authorities would resort to such an injustice,” she lamented.

Another student, who was accompanied by his parents at the protest site, said that the 22 degree students were asked to fetch their parents to the college last week. “Our parents are coming to college everyday for past few days to meet the concerned authorities. However, the principal and other authorities deliberately avoiding them,” he complained.

He also said that when the college authorities realised that all the 22 students would stage a protest, they personally contacted a few students and promised them to give hall ticket on certain conditions and asked them not to support the other students.

However, the students realised their trick and demanded hall tickets for all the 22 students including girls, he said.

“If they disallow all the 90 students who faced attendance shortage to appear for examination we cannot complain against the college. But, they gave hall tickets to majority of them and exhibited discrimination against Muslim students. We want to bring this issue to light,” he said.

The 22 students who are denied hall ticket are:

I BBA (2 Students): Yasir Arafat, Mohammed Afrid

II BBM (6 Students): Mahammed Marzook, Mohammed Shahid, Usama, Atijamma Thazweena, Mohammed Asfak, Shahezan M

III BBM (7 Students): Mehraz A S, Saxson Joyster Bhagyan, Mohammed Nizamuddin, Mohammed Shanavaz, Muhammad Sinan U H, Amal Mariam, Anwaz

II B.Com (5 Students): Ahamad Sadat Nawfal, Ansaf Mohammed, Fazil Ibrahim, Zulaika Mehroofa, Mohammad Sinan

III B.Com (2 Students): Mohammed Zahid, Sheik Ibrahim Saheel

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016

I second what Ahmed (Al-Ain) has said. If the Muslims in India were peaceful like the Parsees, I dont see any trouble with RSS or Hindus. Most Hindus are good people.

Friday, 28 Oct 2016

Very sad to see Muslim brothers supporting immature acts of Muslim students .very bad .by doing like this what are we trying to prove .comment no 16.clearly pointed and I really appreciate that gentleman.if we have problem with other community owned colleges ..why should we join at first place .go and join Muslim owned institutes .quality of education is utter flop in our institutes .for god sake let's not back students who slap principal and who protest inspite of not having attendance ....mainly gulf industries who are owned by Muslims don't hire Muslims for top position becoz on the basis expertise Hindus and Christians and also brahmins are first priority for them .our education must reflect in our action and internal transformation must happen .

Friday, 28 Oct 2016

Shaad......does ur peace loving teaches you this?

Friday, 28 Oct 2016

If Muslims attendance is shortage then of course they are the one to be punished. I wonder parents are not willing to question students why there is such shortage of attendance. What they were doing during college hours,is their real intention is to study or something else?

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

want to stop these kind of discrimintion and communal issues students r the future of our nation

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

They are not al all afraid of Muslims,
However they are too afraid of ISLAM.

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

discrimination is very bad...need to stop it....the principal must be questioned for his criminal activity and held responsible for it....its a crime...crime against future of students....

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

This is good lesson for some Muslims who celebrate their marriages in Milagres hall and TMA Pai Hall.

Wake UP
Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

If Nithyananda plays his game with young girls.
if Hitler killed many jews..
Blame them not the entire community...

Intelligent people will blame only those who make fault .
the people who think evil will try to blame the whole community instead of the one who committed fault.

That's a CLEAR injustice

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

@ Story Writer. Milagres Alumnus

WOW Great story.2016 Award winning story.Let us introduce Viren as the Hero of this Movie. Amar Akbar Antony 2.

Vidya K R Shetty
Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Milagres Alumnus' story is the microcosm of the situation of the country. I hail your creativity. Thanks for the comment.

Viren Kotian
Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Wow. I love you Milagres. That's a great move. Let all the nationalist educational institutions kick out anti-nationals to Pakistan.

Viren Kotian
Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Wow. I love you Milagres. That's a great move. Let all the nationalist educational institutions kick out anti-nationals to Pakistan.

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Muslims in Mangaluru suffered a series of injuries and insults in recent days. These are messages from the God. we must over come this situation by changing ourselves. We can build 10000 times better education institution than Milagres and Aloysius. But why we did not build? We will continue to suffer if we dont unite and establish educational institutions now.

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Muslims should boycott milagres college and milagres hall.

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

So this people wanted to prove that student beaten principal is right

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

This is going as communal issue.

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Hmm.. Coastal Karnataka has many reported problems between Muslims and College Authorities. No doubt, that discrimination against certain group or community of students has been on the rise recently.
Let's hope for justice.

But what were the students doing without attending classes? Shortage of attendance of over 90 students... Parents, Take note!

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

This is too much...! Principal targetting Muslim community for 2 slap from 1 student.
Now is clear, this principal was not deserved for only 2 slap, need more than that.
CFI good job. Fight for justice and we all with you. Teach that communal Principal in legal way.

abu tabish
Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Student hit Principal is Wrong we Condemn. No Muslim will support that punish him as per the Law. Do not show any Mercy on him. Let law take its own Action. But as per the report among 90 students who are facing shortage of attendance only SELECTED 21 MUSLIMS were targeted which is not at all acceptable and the Higher Authority or the Govt should interfere and should give justice to the students. Either you reject all 90 students or else issue the hall ticket to all. Dont bring Religion in between.

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Stop politicising & targetting towards particular community is not fair.... student who attacked principal is condemned by everyone including campus front.... Making suffer to particular community students is not fair... Milagres management should handle this issue very seriously & solve it....

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News Network
May 21,2024


India is currently polling in the Lok Sabha elections, and AI-generated videos that spread disinformation have emerged as a major threat. As per a report, Meta approved several political advertisements manipulated by Artificial Intelligence that spread disinformation during Lok Sabha elections 2024.

Facebook reportedly approved ads that contained slurs towards Muslims in India like “let’s burn this vermin” and “Hindu blood is spilling, these invaders must be burned” along with disinformation about political leaders and other messages with Hindu supremacist language.

Another advert approved by the owner of Facebook and Instagram called for an opposition leader's execution who as per a false claim sought to “erase Hindus from India”. This ad contained the image of a Pakistan flag alongside the message.

The report comes at a time when the social media platform X had to recently take down an animated video shared by the Karnataka unit of the BJP after an Election Commission direction.

India Civil Watch International (ICWI) and Ekō, a corporate accountability organisation created and submitted these adverts to Meta's ad library to test the company's mechanism to detect and block harmful political content.

All adverts “were created based upon real hate speech and disinformation prevalent in India, underscoring the capacity of social media platforms to amplify existing harmful narratives," the report mentioned.

The researchers submitted 22 adverts to Meta in English, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, and Kannada, of which 14 were approved. Another three were approved with small tweaks. However, once approved, the researchers immediately removed the ads before their publication.

The research concluded that Meta failed to detect the presence of AI-manipulated images in all of the approved ads.

While five of the adverts, including one with some allegations against PM Modi were rejected on charge of breaking Meta's policy on hate speech, the report noted that the 14 others approved targetted Muslims and “broke Meta’s own policies on hate speech, bullying and harassment, misinformation, and violence and incitement."

“Supremacists, racists and autocrats know they can use hyper-targeted ads to spread vile hate speech, share images of mosques burning and push violent conspiracy theories – and Meta will gladly take their money, no questions asked,” the Guardian quoted Maen Hammad, a campaigner at Ekō as saying.

In response, Meta clarified that they require advertisers to disclose their use of AI.

“When we find content, including ads, that violates our community standards or community guidelines, we remove it, regardless of its creation mechanism. AI-generated content is also eligible to be reviewed and rated by our network of independent factcheckers – once a content is labeled as ‘altered’ we reduce the content’s distribution. We also require advertisers globally to disclose when they use AI or digital methods to create or alter a political or social issue ad in certain cases," the company said in response.

Meanwhile, Meta has been accused in the past of failing to curb Islamophobia on its platforms.

“This election has shown once more that Meta doesn’t have a plan to address the landslide of hate speech and disinformation on its platform during these critical elections,” Hammad said questioning how one can trust Meta if it fails to detect even a handful of AI-generated images.


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News Network
May 20,2024


Mangaluru, May 20: In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a young man ended his life by stepping in front of a speeding train at Kolakadi railway gate near Mulky, following the tragic suicide of his beloved girlfriend. This sorrowful incident unfolded on Sunday casting a pall of grief over their families and the community.

The Victims of Love

The deceased, Kartik Poojary, a 20-year-old mechanic, had returned to his home in Molottu on Saturday after working in Chitradurga. Kartik lived with his mother and grandmother in Molottu, and had recently started working at a relative’s garage.

Kartik’s heart belonged to his collage mate Sharanya, 19, daughter of Harish Kotyan. Their love, blooming in their teenage years, faced the stern disapproval of their parents due to their young age. Although their parents had reluctantly agreed to their union through a legal bond to marry once they reached the appropriate age, fate took a cruel turn.

The Cruel Twist of Fate

In a sudden decision, Sharanya's parents withdrew her from college and sent her away to Moodbidri. Overwhelmed by despair and separation, Sharanya ended her life by hanging herself at home while her family was away on Friday. Her death was a blow too harsh for Kartik to bear.

A Grief Too Heavy to Bear

Kartik, shattered by the news of Sharanya’s death, hurried back to his home in Molottu on Saturday. The following morning, with his mother away in Kerala on urgent business, Kartik's grief culminated in his tragic decision. He walked to the railway tracks at Kolakadi and succumbed to his sorrow under the wheels of a passing train.

The Aftermath

The Mulky police, led by Inspector Vidyadhar, arrived at the scene and registered a case. The community is left mourning the untimely deaths of two young lives intertwined by love and separated by an unkind twist of fate.


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News Network
June 1,2024

Udupi: A government medical officer at the Kundapur taluk government hospital has been relieved from the service following an FIR registered against him in connection with a complaint of mental, sexual harassment and misconduct and also a series of complaints from general public.

Udupi Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr K Vidya Kumari has issued an order relieving Dr Robert Rebello who was serving as an administrative medical officer at taluk hospital in Kundapur.

He has been directed to report at the Office of the Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare, Bengaluru, with immediate effect.

A woman medical officer has filed a criminal case accusing Rebello of mentally and sexually harassing her and an FIR was also registered in this regard.

The DC in her order stated that Rebello has been relieved from the service to ensure that he does not interfere in the investigation and to prevent him from destroying any evidence.

Even the general public also had complained against Rebello, following which a committee led by DHO had conducted a joint inspection and had submitted a report to the DC.


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