Muslim-Hindu love: UP registers first case under anti-conversion law

News Network
November 29, 2020


Lucknow, Nov 29: Uttar Pradesh has registered its first case under the new anti-conversion law in Bareilly district, based on a complaint from the father of a young woman.

The case was registered at the Devarniyan police station in Bareilly district on Saturday, officials said.

In a statement issued here on Sunday, Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Awanish Awasthi said that a case was registered by Tikaram, a resident of Sharif Nagar village under Devarniyan police station (in Bareilly), who accused a man -- Uvaish Ahmed -- of the same village of trying to convert his daughter through "allurement" (bahla-phuslaakar).

The case was registered against Uvaish Ahmed under IPC and the new anti-conversion law.

On Saturday, Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel gave assent to an ordinance against forcible or fraudulent religious conversions that provides for imprisonment up to 10 years and a maximum fine of Rs 50,000 under different categories.

The promulgation of the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance, 2020, came four days after the Yogi Adityanath government approved the draft of the legislation which also curbs religious conversions only for the sake of marriage.

Under the law which deals with different categories of offences, a marriage will be declared "null and void" if the conversion of a woman is solely for that purpose, and those wishing to change their religion after marriage need to apply to the district magistrate.

The ordinance mainly envisages that no person shall convert, either directly or indirectly from one religion to another by use or practice of misrepresentation, force, undue influence, coercion, allurement or by any fraudulent means or by marriage nor shall any person abet, convince or conspire such conversion.


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News Network
May 20,2024


Hopes are fading that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister have survived a helicopter crash in mountainous terrain and icy weather, an Iranian official said on Monday after search teams located the wreckage.

"President Raisi's helicopter was completely burned in the crash ... unfortunately, all passengers are feared dead," the official told Reuters.

Rescue teams fought blizzards and difficult terrain through the night to reach the wreckage in East Azerbaijan province in the early hours of Monday.

“We can see the wreckage and the situation does not look good,” the head of Iran’s Red Crescent, Pirhossein Kolivand, told state TV.

Raisi, 63, was elected president in 2021, and since taking office has ordered a tightening of morality laws, overseen a crackdown US-Israel backed anti-government protests and pushed hard in nuclear talks with world powers.

A Turkish drone identified a source of heat suspected to be the helicopter's wreckage and had shared the coordinates of the possible crash site with Iranian authorities, Anadolu news agency said earlier on X.

State news agency IRNA said Raisi was flying in a US-made Bell 212 helicopter.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who holds ultimate power with a final say on foreign policy and Iran's nuclear programme, sought to reassure Iranians, saying there would be no disruption to state affairs.

The chief of staff of Iran's army ordered all resources of the army and the elite Revolutionary Guards to be put to use in search and rescue operations.

Earlier, the national broadcaster had stopped all regular programming to show prayers being held for Raisi across the country.

In the early hours of Monday, it showed a rescue team, wearing bright jackets and head torches, huddled around a GPS device as they searched a pitch-black mountainside on foot in a blizzard.

“We are thoroughly searching every inch of the general area of the crash," state media quoted a regional army commander as saying. "The area has very cold, rainy, and foggy weather conditions. The rain is gradually turning into snow."

Several countries expressed concern and offered assistance in any rescue.

The White House said U.S. President Joe Biden had been briefed on reports about the crash. China said it was deeply concerned. The European Union offered emergency satellite mapping technology.

Possible successor to Khamenei

The crash comes at a time of growing dissent within Iran over an array of political, social and economic crises. Iran's clerical rulers face international pressure over Tehran's disputed nuclear programme and its deepening military ties with Russia during the war in Ukraine.

Since Iran’s open support to Hamas’ resistance against Israeli aggression, US and Israel have harshly criticised the President Raisi. 

In Iran's dual political system, split between the clerical establishment and the government, it is Raisi's 85-year-old mentor Khamenei, supreme leader since 1989, who holds decision-making power on all major policies.

For years many have seen Raisi as a strong contender to succeed Khamenei, who has endorsed Raisi's main policies. Raisi's victory in 2021 elections brought all branches of power under the control of revolutionaries, after eight years when the presidency had been held by pragmatist Hassan Rouhani and a nuclear deal negotiated with powers including Washington.

Raisi had been at the Azerbaijani border on Sunday to inaugurate the Qiz-Qalasi Dam, a joint project. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev, who said he had bid a "friendly farewell" to Raisi earlier in the day, offered assistance in the rescue.

The chopper that was transporting President Raeisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and their companions encountered some difficulties and was forced to make a "hard landing".


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News Network
May 25,2024


Mangaluru: The Mangaluru city police are set to intensify efforts to address issues such as triple riding, helmetless riding, and one-way traffic violations in the city.

During a phone-in programme organized by the city police on Friday, callers highlighted several concerns including footpath encroachment, triple riding, helmetless riding, and the inconvenience caused by garages parking vehicles on the road, hindering both pedestrians and motorists.

A caller from Falnir reported that underage children were riding two-wheelers without helmets early in the morning in the Falnir and Attavar areas. Another caller from Katipalla reported instances of triple riding and minors riding two-wheelers.

In response, Commissioner of Police Anupam Agrawal promised to conduct a special drive to address these violations.

Citizens also brought to the commissioner’s attention the lack of speed breakers in the city, especially near Bhagini Samaja, Jeppu Market Road, and on the road to Car Street near the passport office. The commissioner agreed to look into the issue.

Regarding complaints about the use of tinted glasses or sun films on vehicle windshields, the commissioner mentioned that drives would be conducted to penalize those violating the rule. Autorickshaw drivers also raised concerns about e-autorickshaws operating without permits in the city, which causes inconvenience for regular autorickshaws.

The commissioner of police noted that the RTA had stopped issuing permits for autorickshaws after 1997. However, electric autorickshaws do not require permits to operate. As a result, more e-autorickshaws have emerged. To address the autorickshaw drivers’ issues, the deputy commissioner will be asked to convene a meeting at the earliest.


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News Network
May 30,2024


Mangaluru, May 30: In a heart-warming display of integrity and interfaith harmony amid the backdrop of communal tensions in coastal Karnataka, a madrasa teacher showcased remarkable honesty by returning a bag containing Rs 2.43 lakh in cash that he found on Kelaginapete Road in Bantwal taluk.

Abdul Majeed Faizi, a dedicated teacher at Manazul Islam Madrasa, was crossing Kelaginapete Road on the morning of May 28 when he stumbled upon a bag lying on the road. Upon inspecting the bag, he found it filled with currency notes. Without hesitation, he reported the matter to the Madrasa administrative committee.

The committee swiftly took action, verifying the ownership of the money with the local community. Their investigation revealed that the cash belonged to Sripati Srikant Bhat, a local resident. Bhat soon arrived at the Madrasa, where Abdul Majeed Faizi returned the bag of money to him. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Bhat expressed his sincere thanks to Faizi for his commendable honesty.

This incident not only highlights Abdul Majeed Faizi’s exemplary character but also serves as a beacon of interfaith unity and trust in the region.


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