Mangaluru: Sulibele criticizes madrasa, evokes sharp response from clerics

[email protected] (CD Network)
February 10, 2016

Mangaluru, Feb 10: Yuva Brigade leader Chakravarty Sulibele has called upon the Muslims to join mainstream and modernize themselves by shunning medieval thoughts and adopting modern education and values.

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He was one of the several speakers at a symposium organized by Sunni Jamiyyatul Muslimeen (SJM) in association with Sunni Educational Development Committee (SEDC) in the city on ‘Madrasa system in secular society’.

Mr Sulibele, who is a popular Kannada orator among Sangh Parivar, said that the rapid growth in Muslim population around the globe in last few decades was not strengthening the community but making the community poor and weak.

He said that even though Hindus also were victims of atrocities by the British, the community developed after independence at a faster rate thanks to modern education. On the other hand Muslims continued to depend on medieval madrasa education and neglected modern education, he said adding that madrasa has failed to adopt modern scientific education.

Sunni cleric Abdurrasheed Saqafi Zaini Kaamil, in his presentation, pointed out that none of the dreaded terrorists of the time, is a product of madrasa. “Terror organizations like ISIS have no links with Islam or madrasa. Considering them as Muslims is an insult to the global Muslims,” he said.

Replying to Mr Sulibele, Kaamil said that one should go through the text books of madrasa before making baseless allegations. He also rubbished Mr Sulibele’s claim that poverty leads to communalism and terrorism. “Yes, poverty is one of the main challenges in Indian. Our rulers have miserably failed to eradicate poverty,” Kaamil hit back.

Karnataka State Wakf Board member NKM Shafi Sa'adi said that population could not be a reason for increasing poverty. “While renowned economists like Amartya Sen talk about how population can be used as a resource for the development of the country, vested interests blame people or population for the failure of governments,” he pointed out.

Stating that there is a need to end misconceptions among people about Islam and its madrasa system, Mr Sa’adi said that madrasas in India produced thousands of freedom fighters and not terrorists. “Even today madrasa advocates patriotism,” he said.

Health and Family Welfare Minister UT Khader, United Muslim Association founder and former mayor K Ashraf, DK wakf advisory committee chief SM Rashid Haji and several clerics were present.

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Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Are you guys thinking that RSS doesn't know about muslim education( system..? (madarasa)??? They knew every thing but acting as if doesn't knw.their main intension is to establish a Hindu Rashtra to achieve that goal they deliberately creating unrest in the society. They have already listed Muslims Christians and communist are their enemy for Hindu Rashtra. To achieve their goal they keep hunting for Muslims and their institute. These kind of programme doesn't solve the problem of Muslims instead create a lot. Better muslim groups must educate SSF about RSS ideology and their ultimate goal.

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

One must understand the fact that Soolibele will not rest until india become guys make any adjustment with RSS ideology but they won't change their mindset.each and every opportunity what you provide for them they will make it as a weapon to criticise in other stage. I can understand the intension of the organiser but the outcome will be 0. (Zero). It's better SSF to organise a programme for Muslim groups \ jathyatheetha rastradalli Muslim sangatanegala javabdaari \"???? will they show the same spirit and interest..???"

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Why these Sunnies always with sangh pariwaar?
Even in Ullal uroos also most of the guests are Sanghis.
Kanthapuram is the supporter of modi and sangh pariwar.
may be he is enemy for true Muslims.

Abu Muhammad
Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Instead of nasty criticism, you fringe elements show the guts to invite him for your religions samavesha (convention) and silence him. Ofcourse, the Ulemas present gave befitting response to him and tried their best to clear the misconception of Islam. Everyone knows who is Soolibele and what he stands for. Still they invited him to present Islam. Instead of appreciating their efforts, some are trying to fish in the muddy waters. shame on you!!!

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Im not a SUNNI
Im not a SALAFI
Im not a Shia
Im not a SECT
Cheddis never teach them what is in Madrasas and they feed hindus which we muslims never teach in madrasas. WE muslim need to Convey the message to the hindus. If we dont convey to the leaders of them Then they will engage more of such ignorant acts. Even after conveying the message, if they still follow evil acts.. Then we muslims should live it to ALLAH the true God who can save or accept his decree for whatever happens. ALLAH will look after the OPPRESSORS. so dont worry MUSLIMS.
Dear HINDUS .. Honestly in Madrasa we are taught that
WHO is our CREATOR, the CREATOR of all that exists, Who give life & death & who will RESURRECT us all to JUDGE that is happened in this world.. TRUE MUSLIMS will never despair.
When we come to know that CREATOR doesnt have any image or PICTURE or statutes.. WE muslims stay away from such thing from attributing HUMAN thinking into what the CREATOR himself, said. That is the only thing which ALLAH will never FORGIVE...
Many scientist accepted ISLAM by the Scientific Accuracy which is mentioned in QURAN which is not changed since it is revealed and it will be protected by ALLAH (the creator of all that exists) . Please try to know more about QURAN and staying infront of MEDIA and accepting whatever said in it.... Its just Fooling U guys cos U never read your own religious scriptures which says NA TASYA PRATIMA ASTI>

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

There is no point in criticizing Mr. Sulibele, as he was making a statement based on his knowledge on Islam and Madrassa. And the responsibility to clarify the shortcomings in his speech is the scholars there. I hope they carried out their duty. Dialogue is the best way for understanding each other. One-sided ranting does not be in the good interest.

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Really shameful. Are these musliyars crazy ?? Why they invited this communal guy? Do no call and give respect to RSS people in Islamic programs . Really shameful program.

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Invite him to All Madrasas and make him read a few lines on Who is God and Show him the Scientific knowledge of QURAN and let him know what we Worship... which also mentioned in their VEDAS...
Without knowing people commit IGNORANT acts.. Let us invite and teach him the REALITY of MADRASAS.

mr franki
Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

These musliars invited sulibele without giving him the message of per his knowledge madrasa and musliar is islam. so there is no wrong in his thought and speech. instead of spreading moulood spread this message of islam to your co brothers like sulibele

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Sometime back Jamate Islami Hind and SIO invited Shivram Karanta as a special guest in Malpe Jamiya Masjid Symposium. He also talked in the same way as Sulibele. In the year of 1984, Muslim Welfare Association of Udipi, organized a Eid Milan at Rajangana at Krishna Mutt, Pejavar Seer was Chief Guest, stated that he also believe in one God that is Sri Krishna unlike Muslims. During 90's At Uroos function of Saidaani Bibi Darga at Central Maidan, Mangalore, Veerendra Hegde was Chief Guest, claimed that, We Hindus worship God while Idol is standing position and Muslim worship sleeping position, there is no difference between type of Worship he asserted.

However, one RSS patron and many Musliars were not correctly defended Islam in the podium. This will be a lesson to the Sunni Jammaitul Muslimeen and Sunny Educational Development Committee not invite ultras of RSS in the future unless there is a good orator to defend these Bajrangis. Because they are strong enemies of Islam and Muslims.

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

I appreciate that this program was held and there was a short debate clarifying the misconception about Islam and Madarsa, whatever said about Madarsa, Islam and it's followers was clarified on the podium itself.
I wish more such programmes and events should be conducted by our leaders so that there is peace in the region.

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

All are human beings keep on telling them about islam they will understand one day, just like how media keep on criticising about islam and made people to believe that muslims are bad people. They are working 24x7 to defame us let us work too to propogate the truth even one hour a day is much much enough.

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Moilars didn't get any better guest...Even if cow or goat was invited instead of sulibele to the venue it would have been better guest...Awwe avodu nikulegu...

Thursday, 11 Feb 2016

Abusufiyan n zaini supposed to wear orange colour dress,,,, and one day they will

Wednesday, 10 Feb 2016

Disgusting! Musliyars wake up ! there is a sayings
\Kardu uughisikonda\""

Wednesday, 10 Feb 2016

Moilar: Eer daane moolu?

Sooliebele: Yaan Moole!

Moilar: Bokka eerna cheddi parivara?

Soolibele: Yeregaavuye kiri kiri? yepala avve mone thoodu thoodu saakanad. moolu ragaale ijji.. daada pandala akulu thasbi malthonde uppuver

Wednesday, 10 Feb 2016

Hilarious !Disgusting soolibele in our own programme critising madarasa remebering me a famous kannada saying \donne kottu pettu tinnodu\"!!!However organizing team well deserve this tease bcoz themselves dont know what they doing!!!"

Well Wisher,
Wednesday, 10 Feb 2016

Good Gathering of Musliyars!
Musliyar Nannayal Naad Nannai!!!

Wednesday, 10 Feb 2016

He is a product of bajrangies...of course he does not like Muslims at all...creating problems among Muslims & Hindus is his fundamental job...why he has been called to this function...don't understand that...

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News Network
May 26,2024


In a tragic road accident, six members of a family died on the spot after their car jumped the median and hit a truck coming from the opposite direction in Eechanahalli village near Hassan town on Sunday.

The incident took place around 5.45 am on Sunday when the family was returning from Mangaluru. The deceased have been identified as Sunand, 40, Narayanaswamy, 50, Nethra, 25, Ravi Kumar, 30, Chethan, 7, and Gunashekar, 28. All of the deceased were residents of Devanahalli, Bengaluru Rural district.

According to police sources, the family had hired a Toyota Etios car and had visited Mangaluru for medical purposes. Gunashekar was driving the car.

A cop said, “We suspect Gunashekar’s drowsiness may have led to the accident. The car hit the road median and jumped to the other lane. It crashed into a container truck coming from the opposite direction. Going by the impact of the accident, it seems that the car was being driven at a high speed.”

The bodies were shifted to Hassan Institute Of Medical Sciences (HIMS). The Hassan traffic police have registered a case under Sections 279 (driving in a negligent manner endangering human life) and 304 (a) (death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide) of the Indian Penal Code.
Additional Director General of Police (Traffic and Road Safety) Alok Kumar posted on X, “In last 24 hrs 51 lives lost in road accidents in Karnataka, one of the highest toll in recent past. Many of these caused due to rash & reckless driving. Road safety needs responsible behaviour from all the stakeholders.”


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News Network
May 19,2024


Naturals Ice Cream founder Raghunandan Kamath passed away following a brief illness. Born to a mango vendor in a village in Mangaluru, Kamath went on to establish Naturals, an ice cream parlour estimated to be worth Rs 400 crore today. 

"Our thoughts on the sad demise of our patron and founder of Naturals Ice Cream, Late Raghunandan Kamath. Indeed a very sad and unfortunate day for us," the company said.

Mr Kamath grew up helping his father in selling mangoes in a village Karnataka's Mangaluru. This was when he learned the art of picking the ripe fruit, plucking it, sorting it, and preserving it.

As the legend goes, a young 14-year-old Kamath boarded a train from Mangaluru and came to Mumbai (then Bombay). 

After working at his brother’s restaurant, Kamath had an idea — if ice creams have fruit flavours, why can’t they have real fruits. He decided to fill this void in the market. But unsure of whether customers would come, he began his business with serving pav-bhaji as the main dish and the ice cream as an add on.

His first ice cream parlour was launched in 1984 in Juhu, with the initial menu featuring around 12 flavours, each being a testament to the knowledge he acquired during the time he assisted his father in Mangaluru.

The demand kept growing and he opened five more outlets in 1994. Currently, it has over 165 outlets across 15 cities.
His story was captured expansively in ‘Intelligent Fanatics of India’, a book co-authored by Mumbai-based journalist Pooja Bhula.

Inspired by his mother's techniques, Kamath also developed innovative machines to streamline production and ensure consistency, notes the company website.


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News Network
May 28,2024

Bengaluru: Mines and Geology Minister S S Mallikarjun on Monday did not rule out a Cabinet reshuffle after the election results. 

"You should ask the chief minister. But one can't say... it (reshuffle) might happen," Mallikarjun told reporters when asked about speculation that some ministers may be dropped. 

Mallikarjun said this a week after Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said there was no plan to reshuffle his Cabinet. 

There is speculation over a Cabinet rejig and that the Congress high command would hold ministers accountable if the party does badly in the Lok Sabha polls. 


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