Wipe out Islam, says BJP MP Anant Kumar Hegde; video goes viral

[email protected] (CD Network)
February 29, 2016

Bhatkal, Feb 29: Linking Islam to terrorism, a Bharatiya Janata Party leader from Karnataka has called to wipe out the religion of Islam from the world.

Anant Kumar Dattatreya Hegde, a member of parliament, who represents coastal Karnataka's Uttara Kannada constituency, in a press meet at his native Srisi on Sunday stated that terrorism could not be wiped out as long as Islam remained in this world.

Stating that Islam is a hurdle for the global peace, he said that uprooting the “religion of Arabians” is the only way to end violence and terrorism in India and other countries.

He went on to declare Bhatkal, a Muslim dominant town which falls under his constituency and Azamgarh of Uttar Pradesh as the two epicentres of terrorism in India.

Mr Hegde also accused a section of politicians and media of supporting terrorism and “anti-national activities” besides campaigning against “nationalists”.

Meanwhile, a video clipping of Mr Hegde appealing press persons not to hesitate to publish his remarks against Islam, has gone viral on WhatsApp and other social media.


Yahul Wagoni
Tuesday, 17 Apr 2018

Death to the Global Jihad. 

Death to Sharia. 

Death to Islamism.  

Jai Hind!

vikram singh yadav
Wednesday, 2 Mar 2016

sir in my vision you are the great indian leader

vikram singh yadav
Wednesday, 2 Mar 2016

sir in my vision you are the great leader in the indian history

vikram singh yadav
Wednesday, 2 Mar 2016

sir in my vision you are the great leader in the indian histor

Fair talker
Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

To Bopanna,
Hi Guy, Just study the fact in India itself Islam is growing faster than any religion. Most of the them who embraced Islam are Hindus. But they are educated, I don't know your knowledge

You need to refresh your mind. Please Don't waste the reader's time.

Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

What's wrong in what he said ? He spoke the truth that Islam is a violent religion

Rajesh Naik
Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

Send him to mental hospital.

Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

He should be wiped out and NOT ISLAM......Where are you Naren....we are missing you.... Lost in the Bangkok streets.....If you are still there, please take this MAD MAN to Bangkok....

Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

This is a failed attempt to divert the public concentration from the issues like Rohit Vemula and JNU in Karnataka... Chaddi's will never learn from history.....

Fair talker
Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

Nobody in India gave such statement against any religion.
Poor guy forgot Dr. Chittaranjan's fate in the same Bhatkal.

Now he is in risk, why unnecessarily inviting unbearable venture.
He is in Bhatkal. better apologize or prepare for the worst.

mr frank
Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

Don't worry until today those tried to wipeout islam are themself wiped out,it is a promise of almighty to the people till the last hour comes let witness those alive.

Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

What a Joke!!!
If you want to come to Lime Light you utter such non-sense, actually he is pleading not appealing to the Media to publish his speech, otherwise who will know him, never heard his name before, now he is Star (Villain Star),
Way to go Anant Kumar!!

Mustafa Karam
Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

Like that barking only uneducated Pagal Kuttha so leave it.

Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

More the people trying to defame Islam the more Islam is spreading. 9/11 was done to defame Islam since then more people studies Islam and accepted Islam. allahu akbar

Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016

Poor guy.. Joined politics couldnt do anything for the community. Nobody even knows him.. He did nothing. Now he wants to come on news headlines, want to be famous as getting old. Want to be hero among people who provoke.. Want to be another donald trump of india. My dear nobody cares for you. Nobody wants to know you.. Hehe what a waste having you in india.

Sameer Kandak
Monday, 29 Feb 2016

Mr.AKD...just asks with your own Hindu Brothers & sisters those who live in Arabian Sand , how they enjoy their peace life with their family & children in Muslim countries ! Then you will come to know the real fact of terrorism.

Monday, 29 Feb 2016


Monday, 29 Feb 2016

one more idiot appears in chaddi parivaar.

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

This stupid is dangerous to peace loving Hindu society

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

You better try yourself rather than asking others to do it. Most of the people in BJP are gone mad. O Hegde Islam is near to your door step. Come out if you dare to know the beauty of Islam.

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

Metal Manja This MP,

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

More you try to wipe out more it spreads

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

This RSS dog is trying to spread virus poison at Uttara Kannada surroundings. Hope peace loving Kannadiga's will kick him from power shortly.

All are well aware these are the special training from his dirty nagpur base.
But rss will never succeed fro any angle.

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

He is in the state of \vitiated by perversity nature\""

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

Where is the commnet from Ibraheem Hussain Udupi.

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

We muslims fuck you anthya kumra hedge...

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

See his pig face donkey...why media is publishing this type of dog news...

Monday, 29 Feb 2016

Islam is the religion which brings peace and tranquility to entire human kind, now it is your turn to accept Islam and do some good things, otherwise you will have to taste hell fire hereafter. Also you have to believe in last and final messenger of Allah \Mohammed Sallalahu Alaiwassallam\".....
I pray. May Allah give you hidaya (goodness) and accept Islam as soon as possible...."

shamshuddin mohammed
Monday, 29 Feb 2016

Dear Mr. Anantha its not like make in india or Mad in india or something like that , this is Isalam one and only Fast Growing Religion throughout the world no one can Stop, you are a just Dust for our Religion.

Ahmed Yanbu
Monday, 29 Feb 2016

Islam is a religion of ALLAH.No one can harm Islam.Bec Allah knows how to protect his religion.Dont take it seriously leave him (Poor Guy).Allah is the great planer than the so called ordinary people.For them this world is All.But for us Life begins AFTER DEATH.So you people enjoy here we Muslim will enjoy Later.(In sha allah)

He wants to capture the attention of Mr,Modi by giving such statements where Modi likes such statements and will they will get the Minister post in his Cabinet.Like Anupam Kher got Nation Award for speaking against Amir Khan.

Monday, 29 Feb 2016




Muhammed Rafique
Monday, 29 Feb 2016


Monday, 29 Feb 2016

He thought he became hero, barking like dog.

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News Network
June 1,2024

Mangaluru: All necessary arrangements are in place for the counting of votes for the Lok Sabha elections, confirmed Dakshina Kannada deputy commissioner Mullai Muhilan MP.

The opening of EVM strong rooms is scheduled between 6 am and 7 am, with counting starting promptly at 8 am. Each counting hall has been equipped with 14 tables specifically for EVM counting. Each table will have one counting supervisor, one assistant, and one micro observer. Additionally, 20 tables have been set up to count postal ballots.

“For Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System (ETPBS), three tables have been arranged,” he told the media.

Each hall will have an assistant returning officer overseeing the EVM counting process. Approximately 600 personnel will be on duty for counting operations. Mobile phones, iPads, laptops, or any other electronic devices capable of recording audio or video are strictly prohibited inside the counting centre. The number of counting rounds varies between 15 to 19, depending on the assembly constituencies in Dakshina Kannada. After counting concludes, the EVMs and VVPATs will be stored at the EVM warehouse at Padil in Mangaluru city.

The DC emphasised, “Prohibitory orders under Section 144 will be in force, and no victory processions will be allowed till midnight on Tuesday.”

The district reported a 77.6% voter turnout via EVMs, with 8,537 postal ballot votes cast. Of the 514 service voters, 231 votes have been received, with the deadline extending until 7 am on Tuesday. The area within a 100m radius of the counting centre will be declared a pedestrian zone.

City commissioner of police Anupam Agrawal highlighted the reinforced security measures for the counting process.

“Five KSRP platoons, 13 CAR platoons, 2 DCPs, 6 ACPs, and additional paramilitary force personnel will ensure security. Three layers of security will be in place at the counting centre. A total 850 personnel will be on duty for bandobast,” he said.


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News Network
May 28,2024

Bengaluru: Mines and Geology Minister S S Mallikarjun on Monday did not rule out a Cabinet reshuffle after the election results. 

"You should ask the chief minister. But one can't say... it (reshuffle) might happen," Mallikarjun told reporters when asked about speculation that some ministers may be dropped. 

Mallikarjun said this a week after Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said there was no plan to reshuffle his Cabinet. 

There is speculation over a Cabinet rejig and that the Congress high command would hold ministers accountable if the party does badly in the Lok Sabha polls. 


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News Network
May 22,2024


Mangaluru: Fourteen years ago today, on a fateful day in May, the city of Mangaluru was struck by a tragedy that sent ripples of grief and anguish across the nation. This catastrophic event not only shook the aviation industry to its core but also left an indelible scar on the hearts of countless families and the local community.

On May 22, 2010, an Air India Express flight crashed while attempting to land at Mangaluru International Airport, claiming the lives of 158 souls on board. The ill-fated flight, carrying 160 passengers and six crew members, was en route from Dubai to Mangaluru when disaster struck.

As the aircraft approached the runway, it overshot the landing, plunging down a steep hill and bursting into flames upon impact. The horror of the crash sent shockwaves through the nation, as families, friends, and the community were engulfed in mourning for their lost loved ones.

Rescue teams, including firefighters, police personnel, and medical professionals, rushed to the scene, but the inferno and treacherous terrain made their efforts harrowing and heart-wrenchingly difficult. The intense fire consumed the aircraft, leaving little hope for survival.

In the aftermath, investigations revealed a series of devastating errors and misjudgments that led to the tragedy. The airport’s tabletop runway design, with its perilous steep gradient at the end, was a critical factor in the disaster. Analysis of the plane’s black box further unveiled that the chief pilot, Captain Zlatko Glusica, bore significant responsibility. Despite urgent warnings from his co-pilot, First Officer Ahluwalia, Captain Glusica proceeded with the ill-fated landing, sealing the doomed fate of the flight.

Today, as we commemorate this solemn occasion, families and friends of the victims gather to pay their respects at the memorial erected near the crash site. This memorial stands as a poignant reminder of the precious lives lost and the profound grief that lingers. It also underscores the imperative for continued improvements in aviation safety, to prevent such heart-rending tragedies from ever happening again.


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