Shiv Sena leader Sushil Kumar Jain relinquishes Hindutva, embraces Islam

[email protected] (CD Network)
April 20, 2016

Muzaffarnagar, Apr 20: A Shiv Sena leader from communally sensitive Muzaffarnagar district, who once had pledged to eliminate Islam from India, has now relinquished Hindutva and embraced Islam.


Sushil Kumar Jain, a resident of Khatauli in Muzaffarnagar, was the former district-unit president of Shiv Sena said the reason for the conversion was his search for inner peace.

After embracing Islam, he changed his name as Mohammad Abdul Samad, according to reports published in local media.

Media reports also suggested that Jain too this decision following disappointment with the Jain community, municipal corporation, and work culture of revenue department.

He informed media that he decided to accept the religion of peace on February 15 by his own choice and not under any pressure.

The Shiv Sena leader, however, made the news public on the occasion of Mahavir Jayanti on Tuesday. The news has created flutters in Khatauli town, Muzaffarnagar district.


Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016

Allhamdulillah May allah guide us & die in state of Imaan

Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016

you should be cautious of these people and make sure they do not indulge in terrorism and bring bad name to islam

Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016

Hahaha. this is an interesting story.

Shreyas Jain
Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016

This man is heavily paid either by MIM leader Owaisi or Zakir Naik..

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News Network
June 1,2024

Udupi: A government medical officer at the Kundapur taluk government hospital has been relieved from the service following an FIR registered against him in connection with a complaint of mental, sexual harassment and misconduct and also a series of complaints from general public.

Udupi Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr K Vidya Kumari has issued an order relieving Dr Robert Rebello who was serving as an administrative medical officer at taluk hospital in Kundapur.

He has been directed to report at the Office of the Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare, Bengaluru, with immediate effect.

A woman medical officer has filed a criminal case accusing Rebello of mentally and sexually harassing her and an FIR was also registered in this regard.

The DC in her order stated that Rebello has been relieved from the service to ensure that he does not interfere in the investigation and to prevent him from destroying any evidence.

Even the general public also had complained against Rebello, following which a committee led by DHO had conducted a joint inspection and had submitted a report to the DC.


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News Network
May 30,2024


Mangaluru, May 30: In a heart-warming display of integrity and interfaith harmony amid the backdrop of communal tensions in coastal Karnataka, a madrasa teacher showcased remarkable honesty by returning a bag containing Rs 2.43 lakh in cash that he found on Kelaginapete Road in Bantwal taluk.

Abdul Majeed Faizi, a dedicated teacher at Manazul Islam Madrasa, was crossing Kelaginapete Road on the morning of May 28 when he stumbled upon a bag lying on the road. Upon inspecting the bag, he found it filled with currency notes. Without hesitation, he reported the matter to the Madrasa administrative committee.

The committee swiftly took action, verifying the ownership of the money with the local community. Their investigation revealed that the cash belonged to Sripati Srikant Bhat, a local resident. Bhat soon arrived at the Madrasa, where Abdul Majeed Faizi returned the bag of money to him. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Bhat expressed his sincere thanks to Faizi for his commendable honesty.

This incident not only highlights Abdul Majeed Faizi’s exemplary character but also serves as a beacon of interfaith unity and trust in the region.


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News Network
May 20,2024


Mangaluru, May 20: In a heart-wrenching tragedy, a Class 3 girl student tragically lost her life due to the collapse of the compound wall of Harekala Hajabba Government Senior Primary School in Newpadpu, situated on the outskirts of the city, during the evening hours of Monday, May 20, following heavy rains.

The young victim, identified as Shazia Banu (7), was the cherished daughter of Siddique and Jamila, residing in Newpadpu. She met her untimely demise in the unfortunate accident.

Over the past two days, students from the National Service Scheme (NSS) at Mudipu Undergraduate College had been engaged in activities at the Harekala Hajabba School. 

Shazia, who lived in close proximity to the school, eagerly participated in these endeavours. Tragically, while playing near the school compound gate before returning home in the evening, the wall collapsed suddenly, fatally injuring her. Despite the prompt efforts of local residents to rescue her, Shazia succumbed to her injuries.

The incessant rainfall in Ullal taluk since the morning had significantly weakened the structural integrity of the compound wall, ultimately resulting in its collapse. Officials from the Harekala gram panchayat and the Konaje police promptly responded to the scene and have initiated an investigation into the matter.


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