'Hanging Nirbhaya convicts will bring me great relief'

News Network
January 8, 2020

Meerut, Jan 8: Hangman Pawan Jallad, who officials say is being considered to carry out the execution of the four Nirbhaya gangrape case convicts, on Tuesday said he is ready for the job which will send out a strong message in the society.

He said executing those who were involved in the horrific crime will bring "great relief" to him, Nirbhaya's parents and everybody else.

Earlier in the day, a Delhi court issued death warrants against all the four convicts in the Nirbhaya gangrape-murder case and ordered that they are hanged on January 22 at 7 am in Tihar jail.

The death warrant, also known as a black warrant, addressed to the office of the Tihar jail chief, was issued by Additional Sessions Judge Satish Kumar Arora against Mukesh (32), Pawan Gupta (25), Vinay Sharma (26) and Akshay Kumar Singh (31).

"I do not have any information regarding the execution, nobody has spoken to me yet. If anyone approaches me, I am ready to do the job. Earlier, I was asked to be ready for the execution on December 16," Pawan Jallad told reporters here.

"Those who were involved in this brutal incident must be hanged, which will send out a strong message in the society," he said.

"Hanging the Nirbhaya gangrape case convicts will certainly bring great relief to me, her parents and everybody else," he added.

Nirbhaya, a 23-year-old paramedic student, was gang-raped and brutalised on the intervening night of December 16-17, 2012, inside a moving bus in south Delhi by the four men, along with two others, before being dumped on the road.

She died on December 29, 2012, at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore.

Of the six persons convicted, one allegedly committed suicide in jail and another, a juvenile, was released from a reformation home after serving a three-year term.

When contacted, Jail Superintendent of Meerut prison V P Pandey said he has not yet received any letter from Tihar authorities.

"Last month, we had received a letter asking us to keep Pawan Jallad ready but there is no fresh communication. The Delhi court warrants were issued this evening, maybe we will get the letter for sending him by tomorrow (Wednesday)," he said.

The gangrape of 23-year-old, who came to be known as 'Nirbhaya', the fearless one, sparked outrage across the country. Repulsed, people took to the streets across the country, demanding justice for her and better safety measures for women.

The case led to toughening of India's rape laws.


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News Network
May 30,2024


Mangaluru, May 30: In a heart-warming display of integrity and interfaith harmony amid the backdrop of communal tensions in coastal Karnataka, a madrasa teacher showcased remarkable honesty by returning a bag containing Rs 2.43 lakh in cash that he found on Kelaginapete Road in Bantwal taluk.

Abdul Majeed Faizi, a dedicated teacher at Manazul Islam Madrasa, was crossing Kelaginapete Road on the morning of May 28 when he stumbled upon a bag lying on the road. Upon inspecting the bag, he found it filled with currency notes. Without hesitation, he reported the matter to the Madrasa administrative committee.

The committee swiftly took action, verifying the ownership of the money with the local community. Their investigation revealed that the cash belonged to Sripati Srikant Bhat, a local resident. Bhat soon arrived at the Madrasa, where Abdul Majeed Faizi returned the bag of money to him. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Bhat expressed his sincere thanks to Faizi for his commendable honesty.

This incident not only highlights Abdul Majeed Faizi’s exemplary character but also serves as a beacon of interfaith unity and trust in the region.


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News Network
May 29,2024



The Jam’iyyatul Falah (JF) Dammam Unit convened its 34th Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) at Red Pot Restaurant in Dammam, marking a significant event in the organization's calendar. The meeting was conducted with the utmost decorum and efficiency, showcasing the dedication and commitment that has defined JF since its establishment in 1988. The organization, which is in its 36th year, continues to champion its motto, "Education is the key to success," by uplifting communities through education in the coastal belt of Karnataka State.

The proceedings were moderated by Mohammad Irshad, with Suneer Ahmed serving as the master of ceremonies. Distinguished guests included Abdul Salam, Kabeer K.M., Sayed Bava, Sameer Ahmed, President of JF Jubail Unit Mohammad Farook, Treasurer of JF Jubail Unit Salim Shaikh, President of Dammam Unit Br. Sharief Karkala, and NRCC Ameer Mansour Ali Ahmed was invited on the Dais.

The meeting began with a recitation of Qirath by Abdul Hafiz, which highlighted the importance of charity in Islam, emphasizing its virtues in fostering brotherhood and saving believers from hellfire. This was followed by a warm welcome address from Mohammad Siraj.

In his presidential speech, Sharief Karkala expressed profound gratitude to the committee members for their support, enabling the Dammam Unit to effectively contribute to JF-HQ back-home in Mangalore. He detailed the support provided through JF's 14 Taluk Units, from Sullia to Byndoor. 

ExCom Member Ameen Shaikh presented the annual report, detailing various initiatives undertaken during the Term-2022. These included student support schemes, distribution of Ramadan kits; support for the renovation of JF’s Green View School & PU College in Adkerepadpu, and recognition of top-performing students and dedicated teaching staff.

A significant highlight of the report was the Dammam Unit's 'Ladies Hostel' project, a crucial initiative aimed at providing a safe and supportive environment for students and working women. The project is moving forward aggressively, reflecting the unit’s commitment to addressing this essential need.

Additionally, Ameen Shaikh elaborated on the wide range of activities undertaken by JF in the twin districts of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi, including:
•    Supporting poor and deserving students through scholarships.
•    Organizing health camps and providing free dialysis services.
•    Running a high school and PU women's college in the remote village of Deralakatte (Adkerepadpu) offering free education.
•    Providing shelter for poor and deserving families.
•    Raising social awareness against drugs and other social evils.
•    Promoting communal harmony and brotherhood.

NRCC Ameer Mansour Ali Ahmed announced the recipients of the 'Outstanding Support in Term-2022' awards to its dedicated members; Nazeem Ahmed, Ishtiaq Mohammad, Mohammed Wahid, Sajid Hussain, and Nizamuddin Shaikh. The 'Outstanding Member in Term-2022' award was bestowed upon Ahmed Kabeer (Lucky Star), while the 'Man of the Year' accolade went to President Sharief Karkala, presented by Ex-President Mohammad Mubeen. Ex-President Ahmed Hussain presented the 'Outstanding Support' memento to Red Pot Restaurant for their unconditional support for the meeting venue.

ExCom member Mohammad Siraj has asked all the senior members of Dammam Unit to join him to honor NRCC Ameer Mansour Ali Ahmed for his unwavering support for the Dammam Unit’s growth and success, with senior members presenting a memento and shawl as tokens of respect.
With the permission of the chair, ExCom member Saad Abdul Rahman announced the dissolution of the old committee. Vice-President Sajid Hussain then elucidated the importance of committee work and commitment before the election of the new committee for the Term 2024-2025.

Election officers from JF Jubail Unit conducted a transparent election, resulting in the formation of a new Executive Committee comprising 51 members, including 19 office bearers. The new committee is led by:


•    President: Ahmed Kabeer (Lucky Star)
•    Vice President-1: Ameen Shaikh
•    Vice President-2: Sajid Hussain Kasargod
•    General Secretary: Suneer Ahmed
•    Joint Secretary: Mohammed Junaid Shaikh
•    Treasurer: Nazeem Ahmed
•    Joint-Treasurer: Mohammed Siraj
•    Auditor: Ishtiaq Mohammad
•    Event Coordinators: G. I. Ismail and Zaheer Ahmed
•    Sports Coordinators: Sheikh Mubarak Ahmed and Abdul Rashid Vittal
•    Organizing Secretary: Mohammed Irshad
•    NRCC Representatives: Mohammad Wahid, Ahmed Hussain, Rafiq Nariyar, Mohammad Sharief Sultan, and Sheikh Nizamuddin.

New President Ahmed Kabeer (Lucky Star) expressed heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing committee and pledged that the new committee will strive to achieve the Dammam Unit’s goals, particularly focusing on the 'Ladies Hostel Project'.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks from ExCom Member G. I. Ismail, followed by a Dua and a photo session with the new Executive Committee, marking the end of a successful AGBM-2024.



















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News Network
May 30,2024


As Punjab votes in the last phase of 18th Lok Sabha polls on June 1, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in a letter addressed to the voters of the state said that PM Narendra Modi has indulged in most vicious form of hate speeches, which are purely divisive in nature.

"Modi has indulged in most vicious form of hate speeches, which are purely divisive in nature," said Singh in the letter shared by Congress on social media platform X.

Singh in the letter added that 'no PM in past has uttered such hateful, unparliamentary terms to target either a specific section of society or opposition.'

"No PM in past has uttered such hateful, unparliamentary terms to target either a specific section of society or opposition," remarked Manmohan Singh in the letter.

“In the past ten years, the BJP government has left no stone unturned in castigating Punjab, Punjabis and Punjabiyat. 750 farmers, mostly belonging to Punjab, were martyred while incessantly waiting at Delhi borders, for months together. As if the lathis and the rubber bullets were not enough, none less than the Prime Minister verbally assaulted our farmers by calling them "Andolanjeevis" and "Parjeevi" (Parasites) on the floor of the Parliament. Their only demand was the withdrawal of the three farm laws imposed on them without consulting them," said the former Prime Minister.

On economic front:

Manmohan Singh further continuing his attack on Modi-led government said that in the past 10 years, 'the nation's economy has witnessed unimaginable turmoil.'

"The imposition of the demonetisation disaster, a flawed GST, and the painful mismanagement during the COVID pandemic has resulted in a miserable situation, where an expectation of a subpar 6-7 per cent GDP growth has become the new normal. Average GDP Growth under BJP Government has plunged to under 6 per cent, while during Congress-UPA tenure, it was about 8 per cent (New Series)," commented Singh.

"While the Congress-UPA, despite challenges, increased the purchasing power of our people, the misrule of the BJP Government has resulted in depletion of household savings to a historic 47-year low. Rural wages have witnessed a systematic fall, and wage disparity has led to widespread distress," noted Singh in the letter.

On Agniveer scheme:

On Agniveer scheme, Singh said "BJP govt imposed Agniveer scheme; it thinks value of patriotism, service is only 4 years, shows their fake nationalism."

"Those who trained for regular recruitment were woefully betrayed by the outgoing regime. The youth of Punjab, the son of the farmer, who dreams of serving the motherland through the Armed Forces, is now thinking twice about getting recruited only for a 4-year stint. Agniveer Scheme endangers National Security. Congress party has therefore promised to abolish the Agniveer Scheme," added Singh.

Earlier. during campaigning in various parts of the country, PM Modi had accused Singh of saying that Muslims have the first right on the country's resources.Singh said people of India are seeing through all of this. "This narrative of dehumanisation has now reached its peak. It is now our duty to save our beloved nation from these forces of discord," Singh said in the letter.


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