DSS demands transfer of headmistress for allegedly harassing Dalits

[email protected] (CD Network)
February 21, 2017

Udupi, Feb 21: Dalit organisations in Udupi have demanded the immediate transfer of Sister Regina, the Christian headmistress of Mount Rosary High School at Santhekatte-Kallianpur near here for allegedly torturing a physical education teacher.

Addressing presspersons here, Ramesh Kotian, convener of district unit of the Karnataka Dalit Sangharsha Samiti, alleged that Sister Regina had harassed Nagaraj, the physical education teacher of the school. She had taken charge as headmistress of the school about six months ago and during this period, she has also insulted and discriminated against Dalit students, he said.

Mr. Nagaraj, who attempted suicide on February 9, allegedly because of the harassment, was recovering at a private hospital here. He had worked as a physical education teacher in the school for 14 years and had also received the district-level ‘Best Teacher Award’ in 2012-13. The school had bagged many awards in sports events at the State and national levels under his coaching, Mr. Kotian said.

Parents of the students and members of the Karnataka Dalit Sangharsha Samiti and other organisations had staged a demonstration in front of the school on February 11 demanding action on the matter. But so far, the school management has not taken any action on the issue.

“The headmistress is still continuing in her job. Instead, there is a conspiracy to dismiss Nagaraj from the school,” Mr. Kotian alleged. The organisations plan to hold a dharna in front of the school on Thursday against the school’s “anti-Dalit policy”, he said.

The samiti had brought the matter to the notice of the Minister of State for Fisheries, Youth Services and Sports, Pramod Madhwaraj, who asked them to approach the Additional Superintendent of Police to resolve the matter through negotiation. But this has not worked out and the Deputy Director of Public Instruction (DDPI) has already suggested to the management to transfer the headmistress, Mr. Kotian said.

Vishwanath Petri, president of district unit of Samata Sainik Dal, and Ramesh Shetty, president of the Ashrayadata Auto Union, were among those present at the press meet.


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News Network
May 28,2024

Bengaluru: Mines and Geology Minister S S Mallikarjun on Monday did not rule out a Cabinet reshuffle after the election results. 

"You should ask the chief minister. But one can't say... it (reshuffle) might happen," Mallikarjun told reporters when asked about speculation that some ministers may be dropped. 

Mallikarjun said this a week after Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said there was no plan to reshuffle his Cabinet. 

There is speculation over a Cabinet rejig and that the Congress high command would hold ministers accountable if the party does badly in the Lok Sabha polls. 


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News Network
June 1,2024

Udupi: A government medical officer at the Kundapur taluk government hospital has been relieved from the service following an FIR registered against him in connection with a complaint of mental, sexual harassment and misconduct and also a series of complaints from general public.

Udupi Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr K Vidya Kumari has issued an order relieving Dr Robert Rebello who was serving as an administrative medical officer at taluk hospital in Kundapur.

He has been directed to report at the Office of the Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare, Bengaluru, with immediate effect.

A woman medical officer has filed a criminal case accusing Rebello of mentally and sexually harassing her and an FIR was also registered in this regard.

The DC in her order stated that Rebello has been relieved from the service to ensure that he does not interfere in the investigation and to prevent him from destroying any evidence.

Even the general public also had complained against Rebello, following which a committee led by DHO had conducted a joint inspection and had submitted a report to the DC.


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News Network
May 19,2024


Mangaluru: Disgruntled BJP leader and former MLA K Raghupathi Bhat, who is contesting the legislative council election as an independent candidate from the South West Graduates constituency, said the BJP has adopted the “godfather culture” of the Congress.

Bhat told reporters here on Saturday, that he has not tried to appease any senior BJP leaders to get a party ticket to contest the MLC poll.

“I am contesting and seeking votes based on my achievements. My contesting may have a negative impact on the BJP. However, I want to go back to the BJP after winning this election,” Bhat said, and refused to answer the actual reason for the denial of a BJP ticket to him.

“I have no idea who played from behind that I was denied a ticket for the MLC poll.

Earlier, the BJP had a culture of selecting candidates for MLA and MLC polls by seeking the opinion of party workers at the booth level, followed by discussions at mandal and district levels.

Now the situation is such that even if one person’s name was sent from the state, the final list will be different. The godfather culture of the Congress has stretched into our party too. Only those who appease leaders get a ticket in the BJP. However, I have not appeased any leader. I believe in the support of party workers, and with this confidence I am contesting the election,” Bhat said.

To a query, Bhat said that he has not contacted by BJP leaders after deciding to contest the MLC poll.

“I have already requested all leaders that I should get the party’s Form B to contest the MLC poll from the South West Graduates constituency. I have told them that I am also contesting as an independent candidate on behalf of the BJP. The ultimate aim of my contesting the election is that senior leaders should know the injustice that honest party workers are facing in the BJP,” he said.


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