Middle East

The general director of hospitals in the Gaza Strip says Israeli troops have fired at people inside the al-Shifa hospital during their raid on the largest medical complex in the besieged enclave. Munir al-Bursh said that those targeted were trying to leave the hospital corridor, which was earlier declared as safe to exit. “Not a single bullet was fired from inside the hospital during the

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) says more than 700,000 children in Gaza have been displaced amid brutal Israeli strikes against the coastal enclave. In a post on social media platform X on Monday, UNICEF said more than 700,000 children in Gaza have been “forced to leave everything behind.” The UN agency also called for “an immediate humanitarian ceasefire” and

A top commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the Israeli regime’s war on Gaza is likely to spill over to the rest of the region, stressing that Iran is at the peak of its power and is fully prepared for all circumstances. Hajizadeh made the remarks on Monday on the sidelines of a ceremony to commemorate the 12th martyrdom anniversary of Hassan Tehrani Moqaddam, a general

The deputy health minister in the Gaza Strip says an Israeli aerial assault has destroyed the cardiac department of Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in the besieged enclave. Youssef Abu Rish said the facility was flattened as fighting raged around it. "The occupier (Israel) completely destroyed the cardiac ward of Al-Shifa hospital... The two-story building has been completely

Riyadh, Nov 11: Muslim and Arab leaders have gathered in Saudi Arabia for an extraordinary Islamic-Arab summit to discuss the dire situation in the besieged Gaza Strip amid Israel’s savagery against the Palestinians. Leaders from Iran, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and other countries attended the summit in Riyadh on Saturday. In his opening speech, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reiterated

Operations at the largest hospital in the besieged Gaza Strip have been suspended after it ran out of fuel, the spokesperson for the territory's health ministry says. “As a result, 39 newborn babies inside incubators are at the risk of death” at the hospital, “where there are 45 babies,” said Ashraf al-Qidra on Satrday. The complex is also a temporary home to thousands of Palestinians who are

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says the US is stonewalling a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as he starts a visit to Saudi Arabia to attend an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). President Raeisi arrived in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, his first visit since the two countries agreed to restore diplomatic relations in March. Footage aired on the al-Ekhbariya channel showed

Israeli troops and Palestinian fighters are locked in heavy, close quarters fighting in Gaza City, with the White House announcing that Tel Aviv has agreed to daily four-hour military pauses in northern Gaza but rejecting a full ceasefire. Palestinian fighters armed with rocket-propelled grenade launchers and assault rifles were clashing on Thursday with Israeli soldiers backed by armored vehicles

Iran has warned about the repercussions of the intensification of Israeli atrocities against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, which the Zionist regime has been bombing relentlessly since October 7. "Due to the expansion of the intensity of the war against Gaza's civilian residents, expansion of the scope of the war has become inevitable," Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian

An independent United Nations expert has said that the systematic bombing of civilian infrastructure and widespread destruction of the besieged Gaza Strip by Israel amounts to a war crime and a crime against humanity. The Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, said on Wednesday that the Israeli attacks on targets in the Gaza Strip caused the destruction or damage of 45% of